august 8th; okkkkkkkkk

14 1 3

GUYS I had such a good night last night

I hung out with one of my really close friends I haven't seen in a while and a whole bunch of people I kinda knew and cool sophomores like all day we almost got kicked out of McDonald's and hit by a train and it was really fun and then I slept over at my friend's house

And then I smoked by the cemetery with like 3 of my friends aren't we EDGY

I had such a good high it was so fun dudeeeeee

I love smoking so much honestly like when I'm high the only thing I kinda worry about at all is getting caught

And I normally have really horrible anxiety so it's like a big deal for me to not worry about everything

I also just feel so energetic and social rn idk if it's because I just had a lot of fun last night or maybe I'm still kinda high idk man

I'm just real chill rn

K that's it ok bye ily

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