july 14th; uhhhh quick rant

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Hi ok I came across something that is very troubling to me ?

...Holocaust themed fanfic...?



Okay tf like that is not ok for so many reasons i don't understand how someone like thought in their brain like yes this is an acceptable thing for me to do no it isn't?????

Like the specific ones I came across were like anime fanfics but one of the characters was Jewish and the other one was a nazi and somehow they fall in love and fuck and yeah

But okay that's not like not acceptable in any way like the Holocaust or any genocide or event similar is not your plot device to be romanticized and/or sexualized; it was a very tragic event in history and it's so disrespectful to all the people (not even just the Jewish people) who perished and to the entire Jewish community honestly.

The same goes for slavery, other genocides, etc.

Like oh lemme write this fanfic what's a good premise ah yes the murders and suffering of oppressed people perfect


Smh some of y'all just don't seem to learn.

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