april 27th; my struggle™

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Whoops just realized the chapter name is synonymous to mein kampf

Awfully ironic isn't it

lmao ok anyway

So I feel so left out of my own cultures

On one hand it's like ",,,okay you're Jewish,,,but not really like,,,,you don't ACT Jewish you don't LOOK Jewish,," (I get this from a lot of white people but also a lot of other Jewish people which is really disappointing honestly like can we just support each other pLS)

But then it's like ",,,,but you're not white enough either,,,like you don't look like other whites,,,,so like,,,," (I also get this from THE SAME WHITE PEOPLE WHO SAY IM NOT JEWISH ENOUH IM)

so what is the truth??????? Who am I???????? What am I????????????? Will I ever be accepted as something who knows??????????????

I wish I was either full white or I looked more like a stereotypical Jewish girl I guess likE I JUST WANNA FIT IN SOMEWHERE OK PLS

oy vey

the ballad of me and my brain ; rantsWhere stories live. Discover now