may 23rd; getting a nose job at 14??? (not clickbait!!)

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Excuse the chapter name I've been watching Tana Mongeau for like 5 hours straight

Yes anyway so in my last chapter and also on my finsta (@ 1800carinsurance go follow it!!! shameless self promo) I mentioned that I was getting nose surgery soon

And I am!! And I am so excited!!!

Okay this literally makes me sound highkey like a brat but I have valid reasons for this surgery I'll explain.

There are a lot of medical reasons behind this. I have a deviated septum, which basically impairs my breathing. Also, after a CT scan we found there's another blockage in my right sinus, which impairs my breathing immensely. Obviously I had no idea because it's always been like this, so I didn't know I wasn't breathing fully through my nose. Basically I can't breathe, that's the main reason. There's also cosmetic things that go along with it obviously. You guys probably know by now my nose is one of my biggest insecurities. It's big, it has a bump, it's crooked, and I don't like it. Because I'm already getting surgery anyway, it's easier to go ahead and get the cosmetic things done along with the medically necessary procedures. I'm getting the bump smoothed down so the bridge will be straight, the asymmetry fixed, and the tip slimmed down. I know I'll feel so much better once this is done. I know it. I'll be able to take photos from every angle and not worry I look bad. I'll look in the mirror and know that what I see is the same as what everyone else sees. I'll feel like I'm not ugly !!!!!!

This is a really big deal to me okay I'm like shook

The date is June 12th I'm so excited also scared

Anesthesia is done through needles and ion fuck w needles u thought it

Also I watched too many Shane Dawson videos and anesthesia awareness sounds like the most terrifying thing oh my god I have chills just imagining it

And of course I'm paranoid the surgery will get botched and I'll have a fucked up Michael Jackson face for the rest of my life

Yeah exciting stuff man

Okay that's all thanks bye

Edit: this was written as of may 11th, (for some reason I forgot to publish it) obviously following the events last night I'm not nearly in as good of a mood as I was when this was written. So sorry if this seemed really happy, no disrespect. I'm heartbroken, honestly. Just wanted to clarify

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