july 30th; oh, hey

19 0 2

Weird day self harmed for the first time in a while hahahahaha idfk

Didn't take My adderall hungry as HELL or my antidepressants for the past 2 days lolllll that's probably why I'm losing my FUXKING mind

I've been like,, binging all day and I look fat as fuck but my weight is still technically lower,,,,this doesn't add up,,,

I want weed so bad I got high like last Saturday I think and it was so fun I had such a good high

I wanna die so bad like actually I want to DIE but I don't wanna commit suicide North Korea wya

When I woke up the other day not like incinerated by their nukes I was ACTIVATED to the max like come ON i just want to DIE without doin it myself

because if I get killed it was "out of my control" and "not my fault" but if I kill myself it was "preventable" and "a tragedy"

Every time one of my white friends says the n word it takes a year off my life

K bye

the ballad of me and my brain ; rantsWhere stories live. Discover now