july 14th; yes i'm back hi

18 2 0

how do u comfort people when they're sad or going through a hard time honestly like

usually like irl when someone's venting to me I stay quiet and listen (that's usually how I am anyway) but idk how to do that like through online without just being like Read ✔️

and obviously just being like ":(" isn't helpful at all so like

what do

also why do good people suffer so much like I have friends who are just so GOOD and they're just like sad and feel like every time something starts to go well they get fucked over like why god do u allow this stop

like i feel like that sometimes but I hate myself LOL anyway this isn't about me look at this I just have to make everything about myself don't I

smh libras

Ok anyway

yeah it just makes me so sad and also like idk how to help like idk how to comfort someone and offer adequate emotional support


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