Green Eyes

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Gerald POV

I couldn't even focus warming up this morning with knowing you were gonna show up any minute. Dev wasn't pleased once I told her you were coming to the show and after party tonight. It always got her blood boiling mainly because you weren't just another groupie.

"Where's your head at G?" Blizzy chucked a drum stick at me.

"Sorry... Let's start up again..." I sighed and grabbed the mic closing my eyes. I started rapping complete. Fuck yeah it was about Ashley and not Devon. I opened my eyes and standing in the venue space was my mom and you, goofing about. A smile crept on my face, I could barely keep rapping.
"Yeah, pick it up where I left you at
Never wannna go have to get you back
Enough hard times, yeah we went through that
Big ol' house, I'mma get you that
Overseas trips, baby let's do that
Lookin' at your face and I'm thinking' about the place where I met you at
Yeah, and since day one, you supported these dreams
Always stay right by my side, trust I notice these things." I wanted to sing this to you yet I couldn't not yet. I hadn't seen you in years. Once I finished the song I hopped off stage. "Ashley?!"

"Hey Ger!" You grinned as I jogged over and pulled you into a hug. You still felt and smelled the same. I wish I could go back before I fucked every thing up.

" Its so good to see you."

" Its good to see you too." You whispered and I slowly let you go, taking in your features. The bruises looked worse in person yet they didn't seem to bother you.

"You kicked ass last night." I grinned and you smirked slightly.

"You watched?"

"I was curious to see who wanted to use my song. Hey mom. Hey James." I hugged Suzanne before obviously giving James a bro hug. We as a group headed backstage and I settled in the dressing room. It felt like old times, sitting here and chatting with you. You looked great and sexier than ever. Soon Devon joined us and you didn't pay much attention to her, even though she was glaring daggers at you. " So what got you to the UFC?" I mumbled as you say next to me, glancing at your phone now and then.

"It's a really long and boring story. I would ask you what got you here." You flashed a smile before shrugging. "I'm happy for you Gerald-"

"On in ten G!" I sighed softly and reached for the bottle of whiskey, taking a gulp. I was pissed because once again our time was cut short.

"After the show everyone is meeting at the club down the street. Will you come?" You nodded before I stood and took another gulp, Devon glancing at me with this look that surely meant an argument later. I rushed towards the stage and got hooked up with my usual wires and outfit. The show was probably the best show yet. Only because you were on the side of the stage dancing along. I missed your smile like crazy. Dev wasn't in sight, who could blame her. Right before the show ended everyone was rushed off to the club and I took a different car. The New York night was warm and most people wandered between the club and balcony.

"Hey!" I turned around to be greeted with a smack. "Get rid of her G... She's a skank."

"Who the fuck are you talking about?"

"Little miss perfect outside. I see her game and it isn't happening." I chuckled slightly and grabbed a drink as a server walked by me.

"Dev calm down... She is just an old friend."

"Whatever... I'm going back to the bus. I don't want to hear her fucking name after tonight you hear me?" I flipped her off before wandering through the crowd. Dev got like this sometimes over certain girls. She knew she was my girlfriend at the end of the day, but we weren't exclusive. I grabbed a cigarette from my pocket and walked outside, sitting down beside you. You didn't notice me at first until I cleared my throat and a smile crept on your lips.



"Your show was great. I mean a lot of shirtless women, but it was great." You laughed before taking a sip of your drink, my eyes scanned over your body. I wanted to kiss you and hold you close. Retrace every muscle and inch of your skin with my finger tips.

"Thanks... We're in New York for a few more days. You should stick around. We can catch up when I'm not drunk."

"That'd be nice. I'll be free tomorrow."

"You can stay on the bus with us, we check into the hotel tomorrow." I wasn't ready for you to say no, yet you did. Shaking your head before finishing off your glass.

"I've got a friend on his way to pick me up."

"O... Boyfriend?"

"Hell no." You laughed slightly, yet it was laced with pain. "I um... Haven't had a serious relationship since us..." That hurt more than anything hearing your confession. Almost out of instinct I reached for your face, your skin soft under my touch. Your green eyes met my gaze and I found your lips pressed against mine. I wanted more yet you pulled away to the sound of the door opening.

"Hey Ash there is someone looking for you." Grady hollered and you turned around nodding.

"Thanks Grady..." You took a deep breath and looked at me. "That shouldn't have happened... I'm sorry."

"You're right let me walk you out." You only nodded and I stalked after you through the crowded club and to the exit. He was short but strong. Ears cauliflower from fighting like you.

" You ready Ash?"

" Yeah, see ya Gerald." You pulled me into a hug and I couldn't help but wish it has lasted longer before you pulled away.

" Bye Ash..." I mumbled as you walked towards him. He glanced to me before wrapping an arm around your waist and walking towards the elevator. I'd never felt so jealous in my life.

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