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Gerald POV

"Ash...Ash!" I scrambled to get out of bed as you fell limp to the floor. I grabbed my phone, Kamden began crying from the bed.

"911 what's your emergency?"

" My girl she... She just passed out... I need an ambulance..." My voice cracked as I placed your head on my thigh.

"Sir is she breathing?" I placed my hand against your neck, I didn't even notice I was crying.

" Yeah... Yeah... It's rapid... Baby... Wake up..."

"Sir help is on the way..." I sat the phone down and pulled you closer before looking to Kamden.

"Hey buddy it's okay come here... She's okay she's gonna wake up..." It was like a blur watching the paramedics take you and your eyes flutter open. I was sitting with Kamden in my arms and Dojo at my side. It was all over in seconds and the next time I felt even conscious was when I sat in the waiting room. Kamden was asleep on my lap and my hands shook with nerves. I looked to the door seeing my mom walk in and I felt myself about to break down and cry. Behind her was James, Marty, and Matt.

"Hey sweetie.... how is she..." I shook my head before shrugging.

"I don't know...  She just... She just dropped... She was completely fine and then the next thing I know she's on the floor and she isn't waking up." I looked down at Kamden before cursing under my breath. "I can't do this... What if-"

"Miss Davis' family?" I carefully lifted Kamden, holding him in my arms as I nodded.

"That is us... how is she?" 

"She's stable... I reviewed her records and I also know she fought recently... The pressure in her skull caused what we best can say was a seizure. When Miss Davis fights it increases the pressure in her brain and if the pressure doesn't lower... slowly... any new spike of pressure such as standing too quickly... it can lead to these seizures... Miss Davis should not be fighting. I can't physically stop her. I can recommend she doesn't fight... or if she does fight she needs to be under supervision for a week prior..."

"Thank doctor...." I turned to Matt and handed him Kamden. "I gotta talk to her about this without him... Mom maybe you can help talk some sense into her?" She shrugged, though I could tell by the look on her face she was already feeling defeated. I followed the doctor down the hallway, dare I say I was verging on angry at this point. Yet when I saw the look on your face I sighed, bitting my tongue for a moment before walking into the room. You looked up at me before lowering your eyes.

"Is Kamden okay?"

"He's scared... the doctor doesn't think you should be fighting...." I sat down, and crossed my arms. "Ashley I think she's right...."You scoffed, rolling your eyes. 

I'm not talking about this right now..."

"Ash... This could fucking kill you!" I lost it. The second time in my life I'd ever done that towards you. Yet this one wasn't drug fueled. I stood and looked in your eyes. "Kamden could lose his fucking mom! I could lose you! You're my girl!" My voice cracked and my mom placed her hand on my shoulder, making me sit down absentmindedly. I rubbed my face, cursing under my breath. 

"I'm not.... stopping... until I get that belt..."

"For who... A dead guy? Dominick is dead..." You glared at me, pointing a finger towards me.

"Then you go tell that little fucking boy his daddy is dead... tell him his mother is a quitter.... fuck no... I'm not giving up my dream just because some fucking doctor doesn't recommend it! Doctor's don't recommend a lot of things...Hell they don't recommend martial arts, football, baseball. Anything really! So Fuck them.... Fuck you if you don't want to stand beside me... You said you had my back Ger... If you've changed your mind like you always do then you can bring my baby boy in here and escort yourself out of my life... Or you can accept my decision and stand behind me. Got it?" Your heart monitor was racing and I sighed softly.

"Calm down babe alright? Ash I just... I don't want to lose you... If you are persistent on fighting then the doctors said you need to be monitored after the fights. It's as simple as that alright...?" You nodded before laying back down and looking towards the window. Your silence was my mother's cue to get Kamden. He seemed to be your calm in your storm. "Ash?"


"I'm sorry for bursting out on you... I'm just scared you know I don't mean to be an asshole at times..." You looked to me and nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry I'm scaring you with all of this... It's just... I made a promise to Kamden and myself that I would get that title... That I would do one last dedication for Dominick... I know you weren't his biggest fan... but I loved him..." Your words trailed off into nothingness. I only nodded before sinking down into my chair as I heard the door open.

"Mommmmy!" Kamden grinned and hugged you once James sat him down, obviously my mother couldn't carry him. "Are you okay?"

"Yes sweetie... mommy just wasn't feeling well...." You hugged him and closed your eyes before looking at me. Somethings are meant to make or break us in this world. It takes time to build up an empire, yet sometimes it only takes a day to sweep it away. Our empire was about to be taken apart with some whiskey, meaningless words, and a night of mistakes. Nothing new for someone like me I suppose. Standing behind you was a choice that I couldn't make it would be your choice. You were holding the deck of cards. I was just about to join the game you offered and ruin the whole game.

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