Promise He Kept

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Gerald POV (1 month ago)

I couldn't help but lay here and watch the ceiling fan spin round and round. Sobriety. It's this angry bitch of a wife that nags you with a token and the occasional temptation. In my case the daily drug temptation. My phone buzzed against my side and without even looking at it I clicked answer.

"Hello?" I grumbled."

"Gerald Gillum?... It's Dominick..." I sat up and checked the caller ID before sighing.

" What do you want?"

"Listen I've been putting off this phone call... But I wanted to let you know the baby is mine..."

" So you've called to gloat?"

"I wish, but no... I want you in Ashley's life... She gave a shit about you. She got you to clean up. I think it would be good... She'd have two people that she can trust and that will protect her and the baby." I couldn't help but sigh as I sat up and glanced to the view of Paris.

"You took the girl I love away from me... And made a baby with her...... But..... She's happy and that's what love is about right? Wanting them to be the happiest they can be?" I bit the inside of my cheek roughly for a second. "Fine... I'll consider it."

"Thanks -"



"Thank you for not fucking up... She deserves the fucking world."

"I know she does. Trust me there are things she needs to tell you. I think it would help you get why she's distant with you... With everyone almost. Gerald she was raped by her father and his friends a few times... She only told me because we were drunk when we met... She hates the rain because it reminds her of the day she saw you and Grace together.... She doesn't like sugar in her coffee because that's how her father use to drink it.... Things you only notice if you really take the time... I hope you two can be friends..."

"Me too.."


Yet here I sat, the house they shared lacking any happiness that the photos portrayed. The famous dog staring at the door and occasionally at me wondering where his master was and when he was coming home. He wasn't ever coming back. Then there was you, standing on the balcony, looking out at the hills of California with your hand on your stomach. Carrying his baby. My mom smoking a joint and talking to you in between puffs.

"How's she's taking it?"

" She cries a lot..." I mumbled looking to Marty and Grady before shrugging. "She was due yesterday. I spent the night with mom just in case she needed to go to the hospital.-"

"Well looks like we're going now."

" What?!" I stood and glanced to you, your hand on your stomach with a pained expression. In what seemed like seconds we were in the SUV, Grady driving like a mad man, my mom holding your hand and my hand getting squeezed to no end. At the hospital though it was all on you. The four of us waiting in the waiting room for what now felt like hours. I paced, Marty chuckling slightly.

" You act like this is your baby..."

"It's her baby... I just wish we were allowed to be with her you know..." I mumbled before glancing up as a nurse approached.

"She's all settled you wanna come meet him?" We all nodded and followed down the hall, the door slightly ajar. There you were, exhausted but holding a tiny baby wrapped in blue.

" Hey..."

" Hey... Come in... Meet Kamden Dominick Cruz..." You looked down at the baby in your arms, his skin matches his father's, his thin hair was dark yet he had your greenish blue eyes that were looking all around.

" Hey little guy..." I mumbled and carefully took him in my embrace. It felt strange holding another man's baby. Then again that man was dead and in the ground. "He's got your eyes Ash..."

"Yeah... He's a handsome boy..." I watched you swallow your pain. I had seen that look plenty of times recently.

"Can you help me for a second Ger... I just wanna do this right... You know I'm shit at grammar." I nodded and took your phone dare I say even I was tearing up.

My Guidarian Angel Dom,
I remember you saying that all you wished for was that he would have ten fingers and ten toes. We were looking at the ultrasound and you were sure he was already showing some ninja moves. Well he does have all ten and he's already punched a nurse, though far from threatening. He looks at me and I see you. I see already that he's going to be so much like you, minus your eyes, which again you prayed he would have mine. It doesn't seem right holding him without you here. I don't really know what to tell him when the time comes. I can tell him your father was a fighter in every sense of the word. A lover that would put his life after those he cares for, which in this case costed him dearly. I can tell him how you and I never meant to settle down, but when we did it made us feel okay. As if all the bad things we went through disappeared. I can tell him you loved him before he even had a name and before he knew you were his baby boy. If you're up there, he's healthy, though I'm sure you know that much. He weighes exactly 7.5 lbs and his name the one you were persistent on choosing with a minor adjustment. Kamden Dominick Cruz born the same day as you. I can promise you he's in good hands especially with you watching over. The people you made promise to be there sit with me this very moment. Rest easy my love.
Your wife "12 gauge"

"Fuck..." I mumbled brushing the tears away."

"Got it." Grady mumbled from behind his camera.

"Fuck you." I laughed weakly at Grady, yet you were giggling with happiness. I handed your phone back and nodded. "It's perfect...." You nodded in response and published it to the world. Maybe this was the closure to this chapter of your life.

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