It's Not Maria's Fault...

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Another day at work. Just great. My boyfriend, James Reynolds, was being an asshole again. Well, worse than an asshole. He had hit me again. He forced me to do some... never mind.
   I watched Angelica walk into my boss' office. It was obvious Jefferson had a thing for her. I clenched my teeth, thinking about what James had said. 

f L a S h B a C K

   "If you don't get more money soon..." James raised his hand, as if to suggest hitting. He lowered it, after seeing Maria flinch. "B- but how...? He only gives raises if- if..." Maria stumbled, staring at him wide eyed. "If what?" James asked her, harshly. "He would only give you a raise if he likes you, or if you fuck him and do a good job..." she told him shakily. "Well then." He said simply. "You know what you have to do."

p R e S e N t

   I thought for a minute, then sighed. I have no other choice... she thought to herself. She waited until Angelica was out, barely noticing her wide grin, and how fast she was going. I put on my sexy face and waltzed up to Jefferson's door. I knocked and waited for a reply.
   "Come in." I closed my eyes, and sighed, preparing myself. I walked in and closed the door, forgetting to lock it. "Hello Mr. Jefferson." I plastered a smirk on my face. I saw Thomas raise and eyebrow. "Yes? What do you need?" He sat back in his chair, awaiting an answer. "Oh, well, I thought you might've guessed already..." I moved over and sat down on his lap, looking up at him hungrily, hoping I looked sexy.
   "Woah- uh- Maria? What are y-" I cut him off with a deep kiss. I didn't feel him kiss back. Come on, I thought, just a little... I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. I felt him try to get me off, so I broke the kiss for a very short time and straddled him firmly, making it impossible for him to move.
   He didn't kiss back, or even try to pull me closer. That's a first... usually guys are all over me... what will James think...? I began to worry, so I moved my hands down his torso and onto the top of his legs.


   What the hell is she doing? That was my first thought. I tried to push her off, but she obviously didn't like that. The next thing I know, she's moving her hands down me, going closer to my pants. I suddenly realize her goal isn't just to kiss me, it was to go way further.
   I put my hands on her thighs, but then push her back, breaking the kiss. "Maria, what the hell are you doing?" I asked. "I- uh- my boyfriend... the money... he thinks..." her face is bright red, and she keeps stumbling. "I'm sorry." She kissed me again, this time more roughly. I don't kiss back.
   I hear a knock at the door, but Maria doesn't hear. She just keeps kissing me. I try to push her away, but she won't have any of it. "I'm coming in." I hear a female voice call. Angelica's voice.


DUN DUN DUNNNNNN :3 I tried to make Maria sound not so awful, but idk. She👏🏼is👏🏼the👏🏼victim👏🏼 ANYWHO what will Angie do? What will James do? What will Maria do? The possibilities are endless! Sorry to leave y'all off on a cliffhanger, but I had to. Bye for now! :3


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