The Date (part 2)

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"Oh, John, hi..."
She knew him.
Uh oh.


   Well shit.
   "It's good to see you." John said, acting as if that was mutual. "Yeah..." I responded uncomfortably.
I moved my stare from my glass to Thomas, but quickly going back. How am I gonna get John away?
John looked at Thomas, as if noticing him for the first time. "And who's this?" He asked.
An idea formed into my head. "He's my boyfriend." I reached across the table and rested my hand on top of Thomas', looking at him, silently urging him to play along.
Thomas looked briefly shocked, but quickly changed his expression to a smile. "That's right. And who's this?" He looked at John, who's face had a mix of shock and disappointment. "I'm John Church, Angie-"
   "Angelica." I interrupted.
   John rolled his eyes and continued. "Angelica's ex-boyfriend."
   I nodded. "Now could you leave? You're being very interruptive to our date." I said to John, as if I hadn't just interrupted him.
   "Yeah, sure." John said, a bit coldly. "Have fun with your new toy, Angelica." He growled as he walked away.
   I rolled my eyes and moved my hand back from Thomas'. "Sorry about that, he still thought I liked him." I apologized.
   "Oh, it's okay. I've had my share of exes like that." Thomas smiled.
We continued talking, and our conversations started leaning towards work. "So, I'm writing a paper on equality of people, and I was wondering if you could listen to some ideas I have."
"Of course, go ahead." I told him with a smile.
"'We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal.'"
"No. I like the thought and all, but the wording doesn't include everyone. What about women, or people of no genders?" I said. "I see your point. Now, how would you word it?" He asked me.
I cleared my throat. "We hold these truths to be self evident that all people are created equal."
"Hmm, doesn't have a ring to it." He said, finishing his glass of wine. "Doesn't matter if it has a ring. What matters is the message that it conveys."
"I'll think about it."
I nodded and we continued on talking about the most random things.
After we finished and paid the check, we stood up and walked out. "This was nice." I said to him with a smile. "Yeah. I'll see you around then?"
   "Of course. See you Monday, if not sooner." I started to walk back to my house, but only got a few steps before Thomas stopped me. "Did you drive here?"
   I shook my head. "No, I walked."
   "Let me drive you. It's a bit chilly out, and I don't want you walking far." Thomas offered. I guess outside of work he wasn't that much of a dick.
   "No, I'm fine, I don't live far, it's okay." I smiled. "No, I insist. I wouldn't feel right, having you walk. You never know who's out there."
   "Are you sure? I don't want to make it a hassle." He shook his head. "No, it's okay. Come on." He smiled and led me to his car. He opened the passenger seat for me, and closed it when I got in. He got into the driver's seat and pulled out (sexual ;)).
   I gave him my address and he drove me to my apartment. "Thank you, Thomas. I enjoyed tonight." I smiled at him. "Of course, my pleasure."
   I started to get out, then paused. I took out a piece of paper quickly and wrote my phone number down. He only knew my work number, so I thought he should be able to have my cell. I handed the paper to him with a wide smile. "Call me."
   I got out of the car and closed the door. I walked up to my door and waved, walking up to my door and walking in, leaning on the door after I closed it.

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