double dates fun fun fun

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We got to our table and John sat down. Thomas pulled out my chair like a gentleman. I thanked him and sat down. Alex was giving John a look, and he sighed, standing up. Alex grinned and pulled out the chair for John, and he sat down in it, already looking annoyed. Alex and Thomas had some sort of smug/upset staring contest for a second, then they both sat down. "So Angie, I completely forgot to say, because of someone-"

"That someone is you, isn't it Ham- Alex." Thomas asked innocently. Alex muttered something angrily. "Anyway, I need to say that you look absolutely stunning tonight, as always." He grinned at me. "Oh, stop it, Alex." I laughed quietly. "He's right, you look beautiful, Ange." John said. "James, Eliza, and Maria are the reason, actually."

"Oh my god, yes. Did he go all out? Did he make a big deal out of it? Was he rough? Was there gossip? What kind? About who? Tell me everything!" John rambled excitedly, making us all laugh. "Calm down Johnny Boo. Yes, he went all out. Yes, he made a big deal. Yes, he was very rough. There was a bit of gossip. And about someone at this table." I informed him, trying to include answers for all of his questions.

"Which one of us?" Alex asked. "Uhhh, Tommy, James'll be teasing you about some... things, yeah, uh, so yeah." Thomas raised an eyebrow, and John snorted. "They asked me questions that were basically what Eliza asked us when she first met you." I told Thomas, making him blush a bit. "Oh my god, what'd you tell them?" I smirked. "Ummm, anyway, what are y'all getting?" I asked quickly, avoiding the subject. A fancy restaurant was not the kind of place to be discussing dick sizes and sex styles.

After we ordered our food, I started another conversation. "So, Alex, when did you come back to New York?" Thomas raised an eyebrow. "He left?"

"Yeah, I left. After college with all of the, uh, confusing feelings," that part made me feel a bit bad. While we were drunk at the end of of college, John, Eliza, and I all confessed how we felt about Alex. He got so flustered, not knowing which one of us to choose, he moved away to California to have some time for himself. He's a bit of an overreacter(new word yay). "I moved to California for a couple years. I moved back several months ago, and I tried to get in contact with you until I did."

"What confusing feelings?" Thomas asked. Alex, John, and I all shared a glance with each other. "Um, y'know. Emotions are. Weird." John said awkwardly. "It was basically a love rectangle." Alex simplified, and we nodded. "Exactly." John and I agreed. "With who?"
Thomas inquired. "Um, Alex, Eliza, John, and I?" I said, making Thomas raise his eyebrow. "All of you liked John?" John pursed his lips. "Right, yeah, sure." Alex shrugged. "Anyway-" then our food came.

"So, Johnny, have you two, y'know, been active?" I smirked, causing Alex to choke on his spaghetti. "Oh yes, dear Angel, we have. Sometimes I have to do all the work because Alex gets so stressed at work." I sighed, "I bet he loves it. Yeah, Thomas and I share the responsibility usually." Thomas shook his head. "No, Angie, you have it wrong. It's me who does the work."

"But I sometimes do it," I countered. "Ehh, but it's usually me." Alex was like full blown dying. "Annnnnnngggggiiiiiiiieeeeeee stawwwwwpppp!!!" Alex whined. What would make Alex die even more? Hmm... idea!

I sneakily moved my hand to Thomas' crotch and started to rub, applying just the right amount of pressure that made his face turn bright red. "Hey, Thomas, you okay?" John asked, curiously, noticing his face. "Oh, yeah, perfectly fine, haha," he said quickly, sounding a bit strained. "M'kay..."

"So, Alex, you have a job here in New York, yeah?" I asked innocently. "Yeah, actually Washington owns a law firm that I work at." I gasped. "No way. Washington, as in the guy who was our teacher throughout high school and college?" (HE'S LIKE FEEENEEEEYY)(boy meets world smh.) Alex nodded excitedly, "yeah, he'll be so stoked when he hears that you guys are around still!"

Throughout our various conversations, I had slowly stopped exciting Thomas. It didn't seem to bother him, sadly. Soon, our waiter came by. "Which one of you will be covering the check tonight?" He asked, looking at us. "I will." I said quickly. All three of opened their mouths to disagree, but I silenced them with the shake of my head. "You know how I am. I'm going to be paying for this, no matter how high the price." They all closed their mouths. "Very well," the waiter continued, "I'll bring your check now."

"Angie," Alex said as the waiter left, "you are so stubborn I want to kill you." I rolled my eyes. "Are we forgetting your non-stop studying in college, only going out if we literally dragged you?" Alex opened his mouth to respond, but closed it, knowing I'm right.

Soon, our waiter came back, the check in hand. "Here you go, ma'am." The waiter handed me the check, winking, and walked off. I opened the case and noticed a yellow sticky-note. 'Call me, pretty. (420)666-6969. <3' I snorted, causing the boys to raise their eyebrow. "Nothing," I chuckled. They shrugged. I put my credit card in and we talked as we waited for the server. When he came, I smiled, a bit uncomfortably. "Oh, sir, I'm extremely flattered, but I do have a boyfriend." Thomas raised an eyebrow as the waiter smirked. "You can ditch him, darling, and come get a real man like myself." He put his hand on my shoulder. "Haha, yeah, about that," I gingerly took his hand off of me, "he is right here, listening to this conversation."

The man's face fell as he spotted Thomas' angered look, but he regained his smug smirk quickly. "Well, sir, now you can rest assured, that she is now mine." I turned around calmly, and smacked him so hard that he stumbled back, causing a few stares from other people. "I am not your anything. Just because you want me, doesn't mean that you are gonna get me." I glared at him threateningly. "Do you understand?" He nodded quickly. "U-uh yes, ma'am, I understand. I'll run your check right n-"

"What's going on here?" A female voice boomed. "Is there a problem? I'm the manager here, Mac, if something's wrong, I'll fix it." A woman said to us four. "Yes, Mac, you see, our server here gave me his number, and when I declined his offer, he made incredibly wrong assumptions, saying that I was his." Mac gasped. "That is incredibly unprofessional. Matt, I'll talk to you about this later. As for you, we will give you a 30% discount for the inconvenience, I myself take things like this very seriously."

I nodded, "thank you very much, ma'am, I appreciate it." She smiled. "Of course. Have a wonderful night."

"You too." I gave her the thing and she did zip bang zoom and we walked out of the restaurant. "If we see him again, can I kill him?" Thomas asked me. "For once, I agree with Thomas." Alex said, and John nodded in agreement. "No one treats our Angie like that."

I smiled at them. "Thanks guys, y'all are the best."

"No problem, bitch." John smiled. I smacked his arm lightly. "I'm not just plainly 'bitch.' I am the bitch." I smirked. "Yeah, John." Alex teased.

"Let's go then?" John said after we finished laughing. "Yeah." We agreed and got into the car.


The reason why I'm so like not good writing at the end is because it's 1 am and I'm not used to this and I can't grammar well or English at all so just yes. See y'all real soon bleh.

Love you

-McKenzie (the dead and exhausted)

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