Plans??? Maybe???

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Wow I suck with titles. Moving on.


"I'm coming in." I called into Thomas' office after not hearing a reply. I opened the door and stepped in, holding his coffee. What I saw shocked me, but I really shouldn't have been. Thomas was pressed against the wall, and Maria Reynolds was kissing him.
"Oh! I- uh- sorry to interrupt- anything that's- uh-" I said, my face bright red. Maria instantly flew off of Thomas and looked at me, blushing insanely. Thomas stayed up against the wall, looking flustered, and a bit uncomfortable. "You weren't interrupting anything... Ms. Reynolds was just leaving."
"I was?" Maria asked, raising her eyebrow at Thomas. I couldn't help but notice that she looked scared. "Mr. Jefferson, you know what will happen if we don't... if you don't... if I..." Thomas held up his hand, cutting her off. "I'm sorry Ms. Reynolds, but if you have any problems see me later. And not so..." he trailed off.
I quickly put his coffee on his desk and started to leave. "Wait, Ms. Schuyler, please stay for a moment, I need to talk to you." Thomas said, walking over to his desk and grabbed his coffee. "Uh- okay..." I said. Maria looked at Thomas pleadingly, but he barely noticed. He just waved her off with his hand. Maria huffed and walked out of the office, glaring at me as she did.
"Angelica, I deeply apologize for what you saw..." he looked at me, genuinely upset. "No, it's fine, you have your ways of business getting done." My face had lost its blush, and I just stood there, playing with the edge of my skirt awkwardly. "No, that's not what was happening. You see, Ms. Reynolds... her boyfriend is a bit... well... harsh, you could say... she needs money, and she thinks the only way to get a raise is by... you know." He rubbed the back of his neck.
   I nodded, still not believing him. "Okay, yeah. Anyway, I should get going now. Do you want me to invite Maria back in?" I offered. His face had a little blush on it. "No, of course not." He frowned a bit. "You really don't believe me, do you?" He sighed. "Is there any way to make it up to you?" He asked.
   "There's nothing to make up for..." I furrowed my eyebrows together, confused.
   "Yes, there is. I told you like, what ten minutes ago, that it was wrong to do that to women, yet it almost just happened with Maria."
   I nodded slowly. "Okay... I don't think there is a way to make up with me, quite frankly because there isn't anything to make up for..." I said, still not buying it.
   "Maybe I could take you out for dinner, or coffee, or something. No business talk, no sex, nothing like that. How bout it?" He smiled a little.
   I stared at him, surprised. "Oh, uh, sure I guess. I'm free on Saturday's..." he grinned wider. "Awesome." He scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to me. "Call me." He sat down at his desk.
   I nodded. "See you later, sir." I smiled a little and walked out, tucking the paper in my pocket. I sat down at my desk, my thoughts overwhelming me.
   What have I done?

BUM BUM BUMMMMMMMMMMMMM anywho do you guys like this? Sorry I haven't been active for like literally forever. I've been pretty busy... I'll try to continue soon. Bye for now :)


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