Sexual and Marliza is coming

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Omg so I'm currently on my counter while eating whipped cream. Very majestic.


We hopped into Thomas' car, me in the driver's seat, and I went as fast as I could without getting pulled over to Maria's house. We pulled into her driveway and I looked at Thomas, scared. "It'll be okay, Ange." He said, but I don't think he knew that for sure. "Should we get the police over here? When she called me it sounded like he was hurting her..." I wondered. "Yeah, you get the police, I'll go get Maria." He said. "No, Thomas, it could be dangerous. You're waiting for me." I pulled out my phone and dialed 911.

"911, what is your emergency?" A female voice said from the other line. "Uh, hi, my friend, Maria Reynolds, called me about 5 minutes ago and it sounded like her boyfriend was hurting her." I told her. "Mentally or physically?" She asked. "Physically." I said. "Okay, what is the address she's at?" I gave her Maria's address. "Okay, we'll have some officers over soon." She said and I hung up.

   "Now or never..." I mumbled and Thomas and I got out of the car. We snuck over to one of the windows and looked through. Maria was on the floor against a wall, and James was above her, hitting her and removing her clothes forcefully. "Fuck, we have to-" I was cut off by a loud siren behind me. The police cars pulled up on the curb, and I could see James freeze. Thomas and I ducked so that he wouldn't see us, but I think Maria got a glimpse. I peeked up to see James shove Maria into a closet and say something to her. The officers kicked the door down, to see James Reynolds sitting on the couch.

   "What seems to be the problem, officers?" I could hear him say calmly. "Is there a young lady named Maria Reynolds here?" One asked, and James shook his head. "No, she's not here, why?" Thomas and I walked in. "That is a blatant lie, and you know it." I announced. James raised an eyebrow, but I could tell that he was nervous. "What do you mean?" He asked. "This is what she means." Thomas said as I walked over to the closet Maria was in. I opened it, and saw Maria, her cheeks tear stained and she was shaking, and half of her clothes were gone. "Maria..." I said softly, and she threw herself into my arms, sobbing.

   The cops took James, and I watched him try to get away. "This isn't what it looks like!" The cops didn't believe him. "I'll be back for you, Maria! And your little idiot friends too!" He screamed

   They shoved James into one of the cars, him still screaming like an insane person. "Maria, do you want to get something, or do you want to just go?" I asked her. "J-just g-go..." she struggled out. I nodded and the three of us walked out to Thomas' car. "I'll drive, you two can go in the backseat." Thomas told us, and we nodded. I helped Maria into the car and I got in next to her. She was still crying non-stop, and I held her close. "Ssh... it'll be okay, Maria... don't worry... we've got you..." i murmured to her softly as Thomas drove us to my apartment.

We got out of the car once reaching my apartment building, and Thomas and I helped Maria into the house. She was still shaking, but the tears were starting to stop. We walked in and saw Eliza in the kitchen. "I, uh... I made hot chocolate... I assumed that you'd be bringing her home and I thought she might want some." She smiled at Maria, and Maria took a hot chocolate with a smile. "T-Thank you, I'm M-Maria." My sister nodded. "I assumed. I'm Eliza, Angelica's sister."

"Pleasure to meet you, Eliza." Maria drank some of her hot chocolate. "The pleasure is mine." Eliza grinned. "Do you need anything else, Maria?" I asked. "Do you want to take a shower, or get a change of clothes?" She nodded. "I think both of those would be good, if you don't mind..." she said. "Of course. You can find something in my closet and drawers. There's a bunch of extra towels in the bathroom cabinet." I smiled and led her to the bathroom. "Feel free to use anything you need." She nodded and smiled. "Thank you, Angie. This means a lot to me."

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