*instert great title here*

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Ow ow ow I just got a filling on one of my bottom right teeth and it's still numb and I can't it's starting to hurt ouchieee.


   Thomas and I kissed for a few minutes, when I stopped. "Can we go to bed, I'm sleepy." I asked. He grinned. "Of course, Angel." He got up and carried me bridal-style and I whined. "Tommmmyyyy, I can walk by myself! Put me dooownn!" He chuckled. "Nope. I'll carry you."

   I pouted. "Bitch." I muttered and he kissed my forehead. "Ange, everyone knows I'm a bitch, no need to say it." He joked. "Yeah but you're my bitch." I said. He laid me down on my bed, and immediately I crawled out again. I changed into some sweatpants and a tank top and flopped into bed next to Thomas. He had taken off his pants and shirt, leaving him in his boxers. I would've offered for him to change into something else, but 1, I don't have anything that he'd fit in, and 2, he looked hot as fuck. He spooned me from behind, placing soft kisses on my shoulder.

   "Tommy?" I asked. "Yes, Angel?" He replied. "What are we?" I stared at my wall, and I felt him freeze. "I don't know Angel. But I want to be something more than just friends." He said after a moment of silence. "Me too." I smiled. That was the answer I was looking for. "Angelica Schuyler?" He started, and I turned around so that I was facing him. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me and I grinned widely. "Yes, Thomas Jefferson. I will be your girlfriend." He grinned and kissed me softly.

   Soon after, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

In the morning, I woke up before Thomas. My eyes fluttered open to see him sound asleep, our noses nearly touching. I smiled as he murmured something in his sleep and pulled me closer. I checked the time from over his shoulder. 7:56. We had plenty of time to get ready.

   I kissed his nose softly and started to get out of bed, but as I tried, he grabbed me and pulled me closer. I sighed quietly and snuggled back up against him. "Tommy..." I whispered, and he shifted around, muttering something. "Tommy, wake up..." he groaned, his eyes still close. "Tommy doesn't want tooooo..." he moaned. I shook my head and laughed quietly. "I'll make sure Tommy gets a surprise if he wakes up now." I smirked and his eyes flew open. "What kind of surprise?" Thomas asked. Hadn't exactly thought that through.

   "What does Tommy think it is?" I asked, trying to come up with one. "Something sexual?" He asked hopefully, causing me to laugh. "Maybe we can take a pit stop at your house after work for some fun." I smirked and his eyes lit up. "Yeah! James'll be at work, so we'll have the whole house to ourselves." I could practically see the ideas whirling around. "Is Tommy thinking of some kinky things to do to Angie?" I teased. "Maaayyyybe." He grinned. I laughed. "C'mon, let's go get Eliza and Maria." I started to get up and he groaned again. "I don't want toooooo."

   "The faster we get out of bed, the sooner work will end." He sighed and got out of bed. "Fine, this is for you, babe." I was nearly frozen by that nickname. I'd almost forgotten that we were dating. "Mhm." I said, playing it off cooly. I think he noticed though. "Did Angie forget we were dating." He smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Whaaaaaaat?" He chuckled. "C'mon, let's go get Maria and Eliza." Thomas said. He must be very excited for tonight. I walked out of my room, with Thomas at my side. I peeked in their room and saw them cuddling, still asleep. I nearly squealed. "Oh my god they're so adorable together!" I whispered to Thomas and he nodded.

   I slowly crept in, going on Maria's side of the bed. I tapped her arm and her eyes opened. She noticed Eliza first, and her face turned bright red. She quickly turned around, facing me and jumped. "Sorry to wake you. Time for breakfast, but you two seemed to be having fun." I said quietly, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively and she turned even redder. "Oh my god shut up!" She whined quietly, getting out of bed. Eliza's eyes opened when she felt Maria get out of bed and looked up. "Oh hi. Is there a party in here?" She joked, sitting up. "Nope, just breakfast time. Though it looked like you to had enough to eat last night." I teased. Maria's face got even redder, and Eliza looked up at me confused. God, for a girl who's always asking about my sex life, she knows nothing. "What do you mean?"

   "Pussy," I said, covering it up with coughs. Thomas started laughing, and Eliza and Maria's faces turned redder than they were. "Anyway, let's go get food, I'm starving." I said and walked out of the room. "Oh, okay." I heard Eliza say quietly before they all followed me. "What does everyone want?" I asked. "Don't care." Maria said. "As long as it's not those things that you make that you call pancakes." Eliza teased. "You don't like pancakes?" Thomas raised an eyebrow. "No, I love pancakes, just Angie's pancakes are..." she trailed off and I rolled my eyes. "Okay, that was one time and I was drunk, give me a break." They all laughed.

   "Y'know, you guys can just grab something from my fridge, I don't care." I waved my hand. "I know what I want!" Thomas said. "What do you want?" I asked. "Angie." He said and picked me up. "Tommy that's cannibalism!" I shrieked. He chuckled and kissed me deeply. I heard Eliza and Maria fake barfing. "You guys aren't even dating, chill out." Eliza scoffed jokingly. "Um, yeah, sure, not dating, that's what you think." I muttered and Eliza and Maria's eyes widened. "Wait you're dating!? Since when!? You told us last night you weren't!" They bombarded us with such questions and Thomas and I laughed. "My friends, there was a time last night when you two were asleep that we started." I said with a grin.

   "Oh." They said. Thomas put me down and we grabbed some breakfast. We all changed into our clothes. Maria had borrowed an outfit of mine for work, and Thomas wore the one from yesterday. "Imma be heading over to Herc's place while you're at work." Eliza said and I nodded. "Okay, be careful. Love you sis." I said and she walked out. She got in her car and drove away. Thomas, Maria, and I walked out of my house and started to walk to the subway station. "Maria?" I asked.

   "Yeah, Ange?" She responded. "She's bisexual." I smirked. "Who?" Maria asked. "My sister." I answered. Maria blushed a bit. "Why would I care?" She asked, playing dumb.

   "Because you're single and you like her?" I guessed. Maria frowned. "Okay fine, you're right." She said after a moment of silence. Thomas and I smirked.

   The ship WILL sail.

Bleh I'm so tired. sorry for not updating.
Love you!

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