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The day after the last chapter

There was a loud knock at my door. I was cuddling with Thomas on my couch before hand, so the obnoxious knock made me groan. I stomped to the door and opened it, already missing the warmth of Thomas.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked before I even looked who it was. "Woah, calm down Miss Sunshine Schuyler. I'm just here to deliver your dresses." A gruff voice said. Herc already finished the dresses? "Jesus Christ, already?" I asked, taking them. "Yep. I was so excited that I ran to the store to get the materials. I made your's, Maria's, and Susan's." Herc said, excitedly. "Nice! Thanks, boo!" I wrapped Herc in a big bear hug.

"NonNONONO, HOE, NOT TODAY SATAN YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE THE DRESSES WRINKLES YOU UNCULTURED SWINE!" He screamed, backing away from me as he grabbed the dresses from me. I scoffed. "And I thought I was the one on my period." Herc snorted.

"I gotta get started on the other dresses and such so yea- wait oh my god it's Thomas." He pushed passed me and stared at Thomas. Oh right. They've never met. "He looks like Laf." He turned back to me, his face basically a Lenny face. "Oh my god that is not why I chose him."

"Why would looking like Laf have something to do with picking me?"

"Because- uh- because-" I stumbled over my words. "Because in high school when I fucked Angie-"

"HERC!" I screamed, while Thomas snorted at me. "Yeah, when I fucked Angie, I told Laf how good it was and ever since then we've been teasing her by inviting her to threesomes." He said simply, making Thomas break out laughing. "So Angie, the offer still stands." He wink wonked at me. Thomas immediately stopped laughing. "She's mine." Herc tsked and shook his head. "I say we share her. I need my fair share of threesome." He said jokingly.

Thomas rushed over to me and hugged me tightly, kissing all over my face. "Mine mine mine mine mine mine mine." He growled. "Well, I dunno Tommy..." I joked. "I will fight."

"Well, you two can talk it out, I'll go get these dresses delivered to Susan and Maria." They nodded and I took the dresses. "Play nice~!" I called, closing the door. I walked over to Maria's house, only taking 10 minutes. I had no trouble getting there. I rang the doorbell, and Maria answered. "Angie! The dresses? Already?" She grinned, pulling me in her house. "I know, right? He just showed up to my house with them like half an hour ago!"

"He's crazy." I heard a small squeak from down the hall. "Auntie Angie!" Susan ran up to me, hugging my legs. We had only met once, but it was for like a whole day and we became close quickly. "Hey, beautiful! How're you doing?" I smiled down at her. "I'm good!" she said in her high pitched, 6 year old voice.

"So mommy told you about Halloween, right?" Susan nodded. "Yep!" I showed her the purple dress for her. "This one's for you!" She gasped. "Ohhh it's so pwettyyy!!" Susan squealed, hugging the dress close to her. "Thank you, auntie angie!" She grinned. "Anything for you, princess! Make sure that when you see Mr. Hercules that you tell him thank you, too." Susan nodded. "Okay!"

"It's great to see you again, Angie." Maria smiled. "Very. I'll see you at work tomorrow, yeah?"

She nodded. "Of course! Have fun with Thomas." Maria winked playfully. I rolled my eyes, and Susan tilted her head. "What's auntie Angie gonna be doing with Mr. Thomas?"

Our mouths opened, unsure what to say. "Uh... we are going to... play with toys." "Play adult games." Maria and I said at the same time. We looked at each other. "Right. Play adult games." "Play with toys." we said at the same time again. "Umm... play with adult toys!" Maria finished, looking back at Susan.

"Oh. What kind of toys?" She asked innocently. "Oh, uh, nope, not today Satan. I shall see you two later, yes." I backed away dashing out of that awkward situation. "Yes, good job, Angie, that is definitely how you do that." I muttered to myself as I made my way home.

I opened my door when I arrived, being greeted by Herc scolding Thomas, who was sitting on the couch looking mildly terrified. "Hey guys... everything good here?" I asked, closing the door behind me as I walked in.

"Oh, yes, everything's dandy, I was just telling little Tommy here that if he hurt you, then I would shear off each curl of his hair and use it to choke him and before he goes I'd burn all the Mac n cheese in front of him." I snorted. Thomas was nearly as obsessed with his hair as he was with Mac n cheese. "ANGIE DON'T LET HIM DO IT!" He dashed over to me, holding me tightly.

"I dunno, Tommy, if you hurt me then I might have to help him." This man is seriously my boss? "BABY NO! I WON'T HURT YOU I PROMISE!" I patted his head. "Good boy." He made this weird noise, nearly a purr. "The fuck was that?" I snorted.

"Um, nothing, love you." He grinned at me, and I rolled my eyes. "I- um- I'll leave you two alone. Oh, and Tommy darling~ remember what I said. And uh- don't fuck. Please. It'd go bad with that period." He dashed out of the house before I could say anything. "I'll kill him, I swear." I muttered. "You don't really mean that." Thomas smirked. "No... but I will kill you." I said cheerfully. "Oh- uh- let's- uh- please don't." I chuckled. "I love you."

Bleh bleh bleh
Love you

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