Touching but no me diga

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Thomas and I arrived at work soon after. I had wiped all the tears away, and I think I looked fine. I don't want anyone to worry.
Thomas gave me one last smile. "You sure you're gonna be okay, Angie?" He must've lost the Angel thing for work. "Yeah, I'll be fine." I smiled a little, and I noticed him calm down a bit. He had seemed a little tense on the subway ride. "Good. Just come into my office if there's anything I can do for you." He started to walk into his office, letting his hand linger on my shoulder.
I sat down at my desk and started to get to work.
I only got about five seconds of my work done when-
"ANGELICA FUCKING SCHUYLER!" I heard someone shout. John Laurens. My bitchy best friend (love him to bits.) My face turned bright red as people turned to stare at me. I looked up and saw him walking towards me. I glanced at Thomas' office, and I saw him looking through the window, a bit concerned. "John, you bitch, what the hell's wrong?" I hissed as John drew closer.
   "Two things are wrong! One, why the fuck did I see you walking in with Jefferson? You know he's always trying to get in your pants!" He lowered his voice, glancing towards Thomas' office. "What!?" My eyes widened. "What do you mean!?" It was one time, and that was because... wait, why did he do that?
   "Oh, you poor, innocent child." John crossed his arms. He still looked pissed. "Ok, what's the other thing? You seem worked up."
   John scoffed. "Like you 'worked up' with Jefferson?" My eyes grew wider than before. "What the fuck, John, what the hell makes you think that!?"
   "Don't think I don't see those hickeys on your neck." He pointed at my neck, his eyes narrowed. "I..." my hand moved up to my neck. Fuck.
   "John, those weren't from Thom- I mean- Jefferson. They weren't from him. I didn't do anything with him, I swear." John rolled his eyes. "Then why did you walk in with him, huh? He seemed pretty protective of you."
   My gaze lowered to my desk. "John, I- I can't tell you why, you'd be upset, b-but you have to trust me." I looked up at him. "I didn't have sex with him. Please, trust me."
   "Sorry, Ange, but I can't trust you until you can't trust me." I looked down at my desk again, tears filling up in my eyes. I had to tell him. He sighed and started to walk away. "Someone tried to rape me this morning." I said quietly. He heard me.
   He froze in his footsteps and turned to look back at me. "What?" His eyes looked at me sadly. I just stared at my desk. "That's where the hickeys came from, and Thomas saved me from it actually happening, he was by the subway station where it had happened." John walked towards me and tilted my head up to look at him. He stared into my eyes sadly. He pulled me up into a hug, and I gladly accepted.
   "Angie, I'm your best friend, why didn't you just tell me?" We were still hugging, and we were attracting some annoyed stares in our direction. "I-it's just hard..." a tear fell down my cheek and John wiped it away. "Angie I'm so sorry... do you want some good news though?" He smiled a little. I nodded. "Please." I sat down again and he pulled a chair over to sit in front of me. "So I have good news and some gossip, what do you want first?" He looked at me like a kid in a candy store. We had always shared gossip, but never let it spread outside of us, with a few exceptions. "Good news." I replied with a smile.
   "Okay, yay, good choice. So you know how I'm gay and single af?" I laughed. "Of course John, you're about as straight as a rainbow. I've known you my whole life, I know all this stuff."
   "I know, just checking." He grinned. "So I found this boy, he actually went to our high school. You know him quite well." I squealed a little bit. "Who!?" This definitely got me in a good mood.
   "Um, Alexander Hamilton." He said with a blush. Oh. Eliza's ex boyfriend. John's best friend from high school. My old crush. "Oooooooh, you're so adorable when you like someone!" I giggled. John's the only one who can make me giggle.
   "Shut upppp!" He laughed. "Anyway, time for gossip." He wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed. "Go ahead."
   "Wait!" I heard someone squeak. "Can I join?" It was Lafayette, my other gay best friend who absolutely adored gossip. "Of course!" John and I both said with a grin. "Yay! So we talking about loooveeee?" Laf said with a giggle, and pulled over a chair. I glanced over to Thomas' office and saw him staring out at us. He noticed me look at him and he smirked at me, causing my face to heat up. Fuck, I think John noticed.
   "So, you didn't hear it from me," John started with a smirk when Laf was done, and we both stared intently at him, "but some little birdie told me... that Jefferson had sex with Burr."
   "No me diga!" Laf said, his face full of shock. Fuck you too, John. "Ah, no. He'd never do something with a creep like that, please tell me you're joking." I said, crossing my arms. Fuck, am I catching feelings? "Okay." John shrugged. "Just wanted to see what you'd say." He smirked. Laf started to laugh right away. They started humming that song(JEFFERSON AND ANGIE SITTING IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G) that little kids sing. My face turned redder and I glanced at Thomas' office again. "Whatever I don't care." I shook my head and looked at my hands. "Sureeee..." they said with a disbelieving smirk.
   "So Lafff... I hear you've been talking to Hercules." John said, looking at Laf. This got my attention. Laf's face turned pink. "And what do you hear?" He asked hesitantly. "I hear plenty. They say he's got quite a big..." John fake coughed, "taxi..." he trailed off with a grin at Laf's confusion. "No me diga." I said with a laugh. "I don't know what you mean..." poor Laf. He had come from France, and hadn't heard this term yet.
   "Laffy, he's packing a stretch limousine!" John giggled, making a stretching motion from his crotch (NO JOKE CROTCH JUST CORRECTED ITSELF TO "Frog hair" LIKE WHAT!?!?). I laughed harder. "John I can't with you anymore."
   "Well, as long as he keeps it, ow you say, clean...?" Laf tried. He had no idea what was going on.
   John and I laughed even harder. I even had a few tears falling down my face at Laf's confusion. "Oh my god Laf, he was making a dick reference." I informed him, still laughing.
   Laf's face immediately turned red. "Oh my god." He stood up. "I- uh- I should go- I have, uh, work to do..."
    "Wait!" John spoke up. He looked at me. "Should you tell him... you know..." he asked quietly. "Oh..." Laf was my best friend... he should know... "Fine." I looked at Laf. "Laf, there's something I need to tell you that you can not freak out about."
   Laf nodded. "Of course, mon ami." He sat back down and stared at me. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. "On my way to work... I was... I..." tears filled in my eyes. "Mon ami, you do not need to tell me, don't cry..." he tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "No, I should." I looked my hands. "You see these marks on my neck?" I asked.
   Laf furrowed his eyebrows together. "Yes, where did you get these bruises? Did someone hurt you?" He touched one hesitantly. "Laf, no, they aren't bruises." I smiled at his innocence. "They're..." my smile faded. "They're hickeys." He was silent. "Some asshole on the street tried to... tried t-to rape me..." a tear fell down my cheek. Laf's jaw dropped as he wrapped me in a tight hug. "Mon ami, oh, I'm so sorry..." he said softly. "Laf, it's okay... we should get back to work. All of us." I pulled away and smiled at John and Laf, wiping the tear away. "Yes, of course. I'll talk to you later." John said and Laf nodded. They both walked back to their desks. I glanced at Thomas' office, and he was at his desk, but he was staring at me, worriedly.
   I gave him a reassuring smile and returned to my work.
   Today was going to be a long day.

Sorry this was long. I hope it makes up for the long time of me not updating? I have some ideas so the next chapter should be up by Sunday.

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