Loveth, not hateth, shall sendith us all onto death

269 8 31

I WAS TAGGED! Don't worry about the Shakespearean title or whatever. Idgaf.


1. You must post the rules

2. You can't tag the person who tagged you

3. You can't refuse

4. You have a week to do this

5. You have to post it was a chapter not a comment

6. 13 facts about yourself

7. You have to tag 13 people

8. You have to do a creative title

9. You can't change the rules

••••••FaCts AboUt mCkeNziE••••••

1- The first time I tried Mac n cheese was in Disney World last year and I was immediately hooked.

2- I actually have a good singing voice but no one (and I mean this) no one knows/cares.

3- in my squad I'm a mix of the mom friend, the loner, and the one who would do anything for my friends.

4- I relate so much to Micheal in The Bathroom.


6- I have one drawing that I want to show everyone but I'll probably just get a "oh cool" etc

7- my crush told me I had nice legs this year in gym class.

8- there's this group of kids who love musicals like me and they would always sing hamilton, DEH, etc, etc in drama club rehearsals and I always wanted to join in, but I was always so scared I'd be judged/turned away.

9- I deny it with the passion of the sun whenever my friends call me pretty.

10- I'm a tolish blond with blue eyes but I'm really smol inside.

11- my face gets super red for no reason and sometimes I get teased/bullied about it :/

12- my friend legit calls me the salt witch

13- I never swear with my friends, but on the inside I'm going crazy with swear words and such


1; MarLizaShipper

2; Musical_Flower_Child

3; DearestAngelica

4; theonlychescat

5; broadwaynerd37

6; burntmo

7; Grade6dork

8; ultimatetrrash

9; Angelica__Schuyler

10; angelicaschuyler37

11; Melinmanuelmiranda

12; armyanimal156

13; Arcanada

Idgaf if you've already done this so rip
Uh yeah is that it?
See ya
Next chapter coming soon
Love you

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