happiness, walls, no homo, and almost smut

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What I saw in there was something out definitely of the ordinary. Thomas was...

Thomas was just jumping around his office, a super happy look on his face. "Woah. You look like Peggy when she was accepted to the same college Liza and I went to. What happened?" He stopped jumping, still grinning, and ran over to me. He picked me up by the waist and spun me around. I laughed, his happiness spilling down on me.

"James! He and his girlfriend went to the hospital earlier today and then he has a surgery and now his cancer? It's gone! He's cancer free!" I squealed. "Oh my god! That's amazing!" I hugged Thomas tightly. "I know, right? I can't wait to have my Jamesie back to normal!"

"I'll tell John and Laf when we get home!" Thomas started to pack up his stuff up, and when he was done, we walked out of the office, hand-in-hand as usual.

When we arrived at Thomas' house, James was there, sitting on the couch with a woman, I'm assuming it's Dolley(his girlfriend), wrapped around his arm. "James!" I squealed. He looked up and grinned. "Angie!" He ran up to me, embracing me tightly. "You are the most badass person I know! Cancer is shaking." I said as we hugged. He laughed. "Imagine that! The meek little James from college turns out being a badass." I scoffed. "You're the best."

We broke the hug, and I smiled at Dolley who was watching this exchange. "Hey." I said calmly. "Hey." She smiled. "James, you want me to tell the others or do you want to?" He shrugged. "You can." I grinned. "Mkay! Have fun with your girrrlfrieeeend~!" I teased as Thomas and I ran upstairs. We plopped on his bed, and I snugged close into him, pulling my phone out. He was kissing my neck softly as I texted the squad.

FightingFeminist: BITCHES GUESS WHAT

HammyHam: you finally dumped jeffershit?

I glanced back at Thomas and saw him roll his eyes.

FightingFeminist: no he's right with me reading the messages 🙄

HammyHam: I swear to god, I will kill him if he's fucking you.

FightingFeminist: :)

TurtleGay: anyway boo what do you wanna tell us

FightingFeminist: y'all know james

JemmyBoo: that's me

LargeBaguette: mhm

FightingFeminist: well





Zero2Hero: nice man

A.Burr: 👏🏾👏🏾

JemmyBoo: now I gtg
Have a life to live

FightingFeminist: and a gf to fuck ;)

JemmyBoo: I'll murder you

FightingFeminist: I look forward to it

Thomas pushed my phone away. "Give me attention~~~." He whined. I laughed quietly. "I didn't know I was dating a 5 year old."

"Well you are, so love me." He attacked my neck with kisses. "Baby, but we gave the readers smut last chapter." He raised his eyebrow, and after a moment decided to play along. "Oh yeah, but they're kinky little fuckers so let's just have sex so they won't be upset." I hummed in thought. "Yeah, but they'll be mad that we're breaking the wall. I heard the author furiously typing once about having to always fix the broken wall." Thomas sighed. "We won't be breaking the wall if we have sex." I nodded. "Good point."

"No homo, but that's the day I fell in love with you. No homo, but that's the day I knew you were mi-i-ine. Looking in your eyes made me realize, that no homo, but your lips touching mine... changed my life." My phone sang out. Thomas started laughing loudly. "What the hell?" I shrugged. "It's Alexander." I grabbed my phone and answered. "Hey bro."

"Hey, so, uh, I was wondering, how do you get John to stop obsessing over turtles?" He asked. "You don't?" I suggested. "Yeah but... I wanna have some time with him but he won't listen to me. He just says 'Shelly needs me...' ang, am I being replaced?"

"Naw, he just favors turtles over you. See ya."

"Wai-" I hung up. "Well... where were we?"

Sorry for a short chapter, at least you got one.

and I remember telling one of you back in an earlier chapter that james'd get better so ;) here you go, kid.

Uh, yeah, sorry for the dust, the forth wall just crumbled so hard.

Love you

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