another great title for mckenzie!

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James shoved me onto my bed and started to tear through my closet. Eliza and Maria were standing at the doorframe, confused as to why James was here. "What's going on?" Maria asked, sitting next to me. "I'm going on a double date with John and Alex, his boyfriend, and James is giving me one of his spectacular makeovers like we used to do in college." I informed them, and Eliza squealed, sitting next to me as well. "ANGIE'S GOT A DAAATE ANGIE'S GOT A DAAATE~!" She teased me. "Shut up, at least I'm not the one who was making out with Maria as I was calling my sister, thank you very much." That shut Eliza up. Both of their faces turned bright red and James snickered.

All of a sudden James screamed. "What's wrong?" The three of us girls asked. "ANGIE THIS DRESS MUST LOOK SO HOT ON YOU!" He squealed, pulling out a floor length pink champagne colored dress. "Oh- uh..." I started. He set it down on my bed and pulled me over to my vanity. "MAKEUP TIIIIME!" He shouted, pulling out all the makeup he would use. He went for a natural look, matching colors with my dress. "Perfect! Dress time!" He took the dress and put it in my hands, shoving me into my bathroom.

"Don't be so rough, Jamesie." I heard Eliza scold him from the other side. "KINKY!" I hit the door, accentuating my point. They laughed from the outside and I started to put the dress on. When I finished, I walked out and they fell dramatically silent. "Oh. Em. Gee. ANGIE YOU LOOK SO HOT!" James screamed, dancing around me. "You are so crazy, kiddo." I teased. "HAIR TIME!"

Eliza and Maria kneeled next to me as I sat on the chair, James behind me, working on my hair. "Girls you can not go out with these nails! The color doesn't match this light theme we have here!" I looked at my black-painted nails. "Hmph. Fine, my nail polish is in the cabinet under my sink in the bathroom." Maria went off to find the box of colors and came back with them. "Perfect." She said as she pulled out a light pink color. She started to do my nails, taking off the old nail polish.

"So, what's Thomas like? I've only met him once." Eliza asked us. Maria rubbed her elbow. "I only really know him from work." Eliza turned to James and me. "I mean he's nice, can be verrry annoying. Also very flirty. And very smart." James said as he worked on my hair. I nodded, agreeing with that. "Yeah, smart, nice, annoying, flirty... he's a great guy, 'Liza." I smiled dreamily. Eliza smirked and poked my cheek. "Someone's got it baaaad~! Oh, and what from what I can tell, he's so hot. Sexy six-pack." She commented. I whacked her arm. "Shut up." I muttered, grinning.

"Is he big!? Is he good in bed!?" James asked from behind me, finishing up my hair. "I've wanted to know so I can tease him about it, but his past girls have turned me down. So...?" He grinned, and I rolled my eyes. "Yes he's very big, and yes he's very good in bed." I sighed. "What's his style! Is he soft and sweet, or passionate and rough? Or is he a mix of the two, or his he-"

"Okay, we're done here!" I cut in. "You have to answer that one question, or else I'll remind you of your past guys." He warned. I groaned. "Fine! He's very rough, but he gives me a choice on how I want it. He also has a hair-pulling and sir kink." I added the last part so that they would be satisfied. But of course, they will never be satisfied. "Is he-" I held up a finger to stop James. "We agreed to more questions." He sighed. "Fine. Close your eyes." He stood me up and led me to a mirror. I looked down so that I could put on the heels he had gave me and looked at the mirror.

"Wow. I look hot." Was what I had to say, checking myself out in the mirror. "Yeah." They agreed. "Looks like Angie'll get the good fuck tonight!" Maria teased. "Oh please, if I had no makeup on and if my hair was a mess and if I wore sweatpants and a sports bra I'd still get the good fuck from Thomas." I rolled my eyes dramatically, causing them to laugh.

"Let's get you to Thomas' house to get you to that daaate!" I snorted as they led me out, grabbing my purse and phone as we went. We got into the car and they drove me to Thomas' house. On the way, I called John. "Hey Johnny Boo, you coming to Thomas' apartment right?"
"Yep, can you just give me his address again?" He asked. "Yeah, I'll text it to you."

We hung up and I texted him Thomas' address just as we got there. "So, we're going in John's car, it's pretty big. Are you guys gonna go to dinner or something?" They shrugged. "Maybe. Y'all are probably gonna be all 'oh Angie you look so fucking hot that James did an amazing job on you, let me take you now!" and "ohh Tommy, yes I love Jamesie so much he's so helpful and such a darling, let's fuck right now Tommy!'" James said doing terrible impressions of us. I snorted. "Yes, that's exactly how it goes down. Now, excuse me, but I have a man to fuck- I mean meet." I messed up on purpose, grinning.

I walked up to the door and knocked. "Tommmyyyyyy, I'm coming in!" I warned loudly and walked through the conveniently unlocked door. I saw him stumbling around, tying his tie. I smirked as he noticed me come in. "Oh, hey Angel." He said leaning against the wall. "Hey Tommy." I walked over to him and fixed his tie. "Looking hot, baby." I grinned at him. "You look..." his eyes flickered up and down my body, his cheeks pink, "wow..." I giggled. "Thanks, sweetheart." I rested my hands on his biceps and kissed him. It would have gotten a lot steamier if John and Alex hadn't came.

I pulled away from the kiss and wiped away a bit of my lipstick on his lip. I walked over to the door and opened it, Thomas following shortly behind me. "Hey Johnny Boi!" I hugged him and welcomed them in. "Heyyy monsieur hella hoe from hellhole high school!" I said, wrapping my arms around Alex. "Hey, Angie." He chuckled. I grinned and walked over to Thomas, lightly touching his arm. "So Tommy, you already know John, and here's-"

"Alexander Hamilton." Thomas growled. "Thomas Jefferson." Alex said with the same tone. John and I shared a worried glance. "You know each other?" John wondered cautiously. "Yes, we do." Alex replied bluntly. "We went to a summer camp together. Not a great experience, thanks to Hammy here."

"No, thanks to Jeffy here." Alex narrowed his eyes. "Oh, you wanna go?" Thomas said, stepping closer to Alex. "Yeah, I wanna go, let's go poofy bitch!"

"Alex!" John grabbed Alex, pulling him back, and I did the same with Thomas. "Thomas, let it go." He shook his head and tried to get out of my tight grip. "Tommy..." I said softly, pulling him closer so that my mouth was on his ear. "You won't be getting a taste of Angie for a month if you go crazy on Alex tonight." I whispered seductively. Thomas swallowed, his glare fading. "Fine." He said finally, and I let him go. "Alex, if you leave me alone tonight, I'll leave you alone."

Alex looked at him skeptically. "Okay... you have yourself a deal... Thomas." He stuck out his hand and Thomas pursed his lips, shaking it. "So, should we get going?" I suggested, trying to clear the awkward air. "Yeah, that would be great." John nodded and opened the door for us. Thomas and John walked out together, and I walked out side-by-side with Alex. "How'd you get him to calm down?" Alex inquired to me. "Well I told him that he wouldn't get a taste of me for a month if he didn't calm down."

Alex side-eyed me. "How can you even stand to have sex with him?" I shrugged. "He's actually great." Alex shuddered. "You're crazy." I smirked. "His dick is re-"

"NOPE NOT HAPPENING!" He walked away quickly, making me chuckle.

There is definitely going to be a ton of teasing tonight. Hehehehe.

Ugh I was watching Teen Titans with my brother and it was the episode where the three dudes were presenting "chivalry," (it's dead, I swear) and they were treating the girls like shit and I nearly screamed.
Anyway sorry I'm just a feminist doing feminist things haha...
Anyway yeah

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