Finally leaving

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This is Ross. He is a 19 year old bad-boy. He has beachy blonde hair. Rock hard Abs. And is 6'2 feet tall. He is finally leaving home to go to college in California. And he has been waiting to leave his siblings and live with his roommate and do what ever the fuck he wants. He hates his siblings except. They are always criticizing him like hop off. Hate his dad always says that Ross is a disappointment. But loves his mother to death she is the only one he is going to miss. But he want to party. Fuck plenty of hot girls and get turnt up every night. He doesn't really care about his grade he keeps them at a c usually. But as long as he gets out the house he can make his own decisions.


"Ross get ur ass down here, I'm not waiting all day for you" my annoying ass dad yelled from downstairs . " I'm coming Jesus hop off dick" i say quietly because I'm trying to leave without someone getting hurt. I wish I could drive with my mom to the airport but she has allergies and doesn't want to get in a car accident while sneezing. "OH SHIT" I just remembered, I have to break up with that whore of a girlfriend today. I said we would do long distance because I was sick of her whining and complaining. That was a dead ass lie. Like im gonna miss the plenty of snacks at la. I pack up my shoes. Run to give my mom a kiss good bye and say bye to me siblings. They didn't even remember I was leaving today and one already moved into my old room. GOD I HATE THEM. Keep it cool Ross this is the last time I'm gonna see the assholes. I run downstairs get , put my bags in the trunk , and get in the car with a pissed off dad. I slip my ear phones in before he starts to lecture me again. I didn't want to here how much I disappointed him And how I was supposed to be a cute little girl. GOD I CANY WAIT TO LEAVE NEW YORK IT GOT OLD. Well to the airport we go.

There about to meet and you don't want to miss that keep reading 😘😘😘😘😘😘

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