Daddy and princess brownie

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" AGHHHH get off of me "

I say because this lunatic is one my back trying to bring me down.

"Never if you wanna play the don't know personal space game then we can definitely play" she yells back. I flip her over my shoulder and slam her onto her bed.

I'm much stronger then a little girl so I have the upper hand. Then she looked up at me and sat up she turns around and slaps me in the face.

" okay now I'm pissed" I say with an aggressive tone and face. She starts hauling ass and runs into the bathroom. She closes the door and holds it close.

Well try's to. " now you'll never get in" she say thinking she won. I smirk and push the door wide open and I fall in.

I land on the floor and see her jump from the sink and get on top of me. She is holding me down with her hands on my wrist. She really thinks this will hold u down.

I flip her over so she's on bottom. I hold her by her wrist and she starts to struggle.

" what's wrong sweetheart can't get loose"? 

"No ,your hurting me."

"Well to bad shouldn't have jumped your little ass on my back like a fucking monkey. "Fine I'm sorry . Even?" "Say my name". " I don't know your name". She says still in a struggle. "Fine for the rest of tomorrow and tonight you have to call me daddy.".  " Are you crazy no". I squeeze her wrist harder and press down on her pelvis until I see her really in pain." "And just because you said no you also have to let me  call you princess brownie". " but my names not princess brownie". "I don't give a fuck" I say with a smirk. " fine just let me go I think you breaking me". I let her go and she gets up. She goes to her bed and I follow her she turns off all the lights and she goes to sleep.

That boy must be retarded if he think he can do that poo to me. I'm gonna go to bed and let what just happen to night settle. 

Suddenly I hear something in the hallway. At this late at night? 

" hey blonde you asleep" I say whispering getting in his bed.

" what did I say call me".

" ahh fine. Dick head are you asleep." " well obviously dip shit" he says annoyed.

"What do you want" he says. " did you hear that" I say whispering. "Nope all I hear is you" he says. "Can you go check the hallway".

" no I'm in my underwear with nothing else on you to do it." He says. "Nooooooo please". " fiiiiine" he says finally. He gets out of bed and opens the door. He walks in the hallway and doesn't say any thing.

Couple minutes go by and he is still not back. He's been out there a while maybe you should go check on him. Fine I'll go check on him.

I grab my phone for a flash light. I walk in the long dark hallway and see nothing. " boo". "Ahhhhhhh" I scream he covers my mouth and brings me back in the room.

" what are you crazy it's like 1am" he says. " well you scared me have to death" I said slapping him on the chest. I turn on the light turn back to him and looks at something behind me in fear.

He points his finger at whatever is behind me and I immediately start freaking out. I then hold his shoulders jump up and wrap my legs around his waist.

" WHAT IS IT WHAT IS IT WHAT IS IT" I say in so much fear. He starts busting out laughing. " it's nothing scaredy cat I'm just fucking with you".

"Dick" I say getting down. When I turn around towards my bed he grabs my hand and spins me around. Grabs me by my waist and pulls me in closed. He whispered in my ear saying" thanks princess".

I push him away in disgust and keep walking. Goodness gracious I am never gonna get used to this. I just wanna go to bed. I get in bed and turn off the light. Then he turns it back on." What are you doing".

" u didn't call me daddy today" he says with a smirk.

"Fudge you im not doing this poop anymore I'm tired now leave me alone" I say sitting up. "Listen I'm a nerd at home and I got poop from everyone else,but I'm not gonna take poop from you okay" I say aggravated.

"Whatever I'm still calling you princess."


I look at her in shock and I nod and go back to bed. Maybe I was a little harsh to the little brunette. She turns off the light and in a few minutes I hear her sleeping. Oh but she doesn't know what harsh really is yet. I smirk and go to sleep.

Wow well this was very long. But I hope you liked it. Vote and comment on it to make sure that you do. And then read on if you want. K bye😘😘😘😘😘😘

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