Did I just say she was beautiful?

861 17 7

*bing bing* I slap my phone to turn off the alarm. I open my phone and god is it bright. It's time to get up. I turn over to face the blonde and see he is still sleeping.

Thank god. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. After my shower I brush my teeth and do my hair. I'm not going to makeup because I really don't know how to. *biiiiiiiing* "what the". Oh no someone's calling him I have to turn it off before he wakes up. I run to his phone on top of his dresser and pick it up. It says Marissa.

"Well I guess marissa will just have to wait" I whisper. I decline and place it back down. His phone case says Ross. Hmm that must be his name. Well let's not wake Ross up.

I walk to my dresses pull out an orange tank top and some light blue overalls and some underwear and a bra. I walk to the bathroom close the door and lock it. I put on my clothes. I slap on some mascara and some light pink lip gloss that shows a slight tint. I sit down in front of the mirror that's by my bed and do my hair. I might not be able to do my makeup but I am a pro at doing my hair. I put it into a side fish tail and keep it moving. I put my contacts in , get my book bag and leave out the door.

Dang it I left my book I turn back around and grab for the room key and I left that in the room too. I'm gonna be late. Got dang it I have to wake his butt up. I knock on the door."Ross wake up open the door".

I hear a voice saying my name.

"Ross wake up open the door". It says. Then I wake up and realize who's voice it is.

"What do you want brunette" i say. " can you open the door I left my key and book" she says back.

"How irresponsible, well better hope I'm back in time". I say putting on some clothes. "Ross please open the door I need my book. " Wait a sec she knows your name.

" how do you know my name" I say in surprise. "I might of saw it on the back of your phone case."

What a snoop. Well sense your snooping around you not getting in". "Please " she says. "Not unless you say my name".

"Fudge it never mind I'm going to be late." She walks away from the door.  After a couple of minutes someone calls my phone. "It reads 🍑Marissa💦"Fuck it's my ex. I thought I blocked her number. I decline it and keep it moving.After 10 calls from that annoying bitch I end up calling Brandon to find out where my classes are. He didn't answer. He texted back. I'm in class can't talk right now.

What a dick. Well might as well hit up jiggles and or blondie. Jiggles says the same thing but blondie says she will be there in a sec.

*knock knock * "hey blondie open up it's me" she says. I open the door to see sabrina." Wow that was quick."

" I was on this floor in the first place" she says. "You ready" she says. "Yup let's go." I grab my bag my phone and my key. We walk down to the elevator and go down to the lobby.

"So you share a room with Laura " Sabrina says. "Is that her name I just call her brunette, how'd you know" I respond. "I remember her room number. How's it going with her. " she says.

"She's fucking annoying " I say back. " why she's really sweet ,me her and Kira are like the three musketeers" she says with a smile.

"So is jiggles single or what" I say with a smirk. "Yes she is single but don't fucking touch her she's my best friend and I'll be damned if she is going out with someone like you" she says with a serious face.

"What do you mean someone like me?" I say somewhat concern. "Your a fuck boy and she does not need to be with a fuck boy" she says flat out. " well damn just call me out my name then shit " I say with a hurt face. She giggles and we walk to our first class we have it together.

Later after all of the classes

So I ended up having class with jiggles for my last class of the day. " so you coming to the sophomore party" she says walking beside me.

"You had me at party, but you said it's for sophomores " " yeah but freshman come anyway and plus you look like a grown man anyway"she says with a grin on her face.

" whatever , are you going tho??" I say with a snarly grin. " yeah so is Sabrina I tried to talk Laura into it but I guess she's just not a party girl"

"no duh she's not a party girl, have you seen the way she dresses ,but anyway what are you gonna be wearing ". I say biting my lip and looking down at her boobs.

"Nun of your business " she says lifting my head to look at her face. She walks away and turn a corner. I'm not saying I'm not attracted to her but I would never date her she is more like a friends with benefits type thing. It's 8:00 and the party starts at 8:30. Might as well jut head there anyway. "HEY JIGGLES WAIT UP" I yell.


After my class I head back to my room to just chill. Hopefully he's not there. I'm not gonna take shit from him anymore. He's been so rude lately and I just want to be me. I decide not to go to the party because I'm not a party person. I get to my door and reach for the key card. "Got dammit" he has the key card. Suddenly wishing he was here. "Ross Ross Ross ROSS!" I yell. I slide down the door. I guess I'll just wait then. I take out my phone and play angry birds. After 2hours I suddenly dose of to sleep.


"Bye hoes" I say completely drunk off my ass. Oh there already gone.*ding floor 6* "okay mom I'm fine ". I gotta get to the room before I pass out. I step onto the floor and walk to my room. I'm on my phone.

"Ahhh" I trip on a leg. I get up and see that it's the brunette on the door sleeping. " oh yeah" I say getting the card and opening the door.

"Hey Laura wake up ,LAURA" Jesus she is a heavy sleeper. I grab her phone put it in my pocket and lift her up over my shoulder.

I open the door and place her on the bed. She looks beautiful when she's sleeping. Did I just say she looks beautiful. Nah it's the booze talking.

I take off her pants and shirt and examine her body. I didn't know she had a body. I look like a creep.

Then I grab one of my shirts and put it on her. I put her under the covers then realize she's on my bed. Got dang it. Her bed was completely covered with boxes and books. I took off my shirt and shoes and got in my bed as well. "Mooove" I say moving her on the other side of me. I close my eyes and quickly doze off along side the small brunette.

*The next morning *

Still his POV
I wake up to warm hands on my chest and and my arm around it's waist. I open my eyes and realize that the girl has brown hair. FUCK. She's adorable.

So yeah long chapter but I'm proud of it. Vote and comment. What do you guys think of Ross calling Laura beautiful 😁 don't worry raura will form later on. Bye for now❤️😘😘😘😘😘😘

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