Fuck buddies without the fuck. Yet.

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Sorry for the long title ☺️.

I run down to the lobby where I see my best friend sitting there waiting on her phone. I run up to her. " there you are I've been texting you " raini says aggitated. "Sorry I know I got held up " I say sighing. "What where you doing that took so long." Calum says standing up. "Umm ...looking for my ......lipstick?" I say trying to sell of my excuse. "But your not wearing lipstick." Calum says furrowing his eyebrows. " well yeah duhhh...... I couldn't find it so I just gave up." I say with a confident smile. They nod there heads and we walk outside. Thank god they didn't catch on. I should be an actor on Disney or something. Nahhh your not that good. Yea I'm not. " so where should we go first ?" Raini says as Calum looks at me as well. " umm I don't really know maybe the beach I guess" they look at me in confusion. " does it look like we have bathing suits on?" Raini says pointing up and down to her and Calum. " we can go buy some it's not to expensive , let's go" I say gesturing them to follow me.
~~~~~after the store and at the beach~~~~~~~~~

 ~~~~~after the store and at the beach~~~~~~~~~Laura

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Laura POV"Omg girl I can not get over how great you look in that bathing suit" I say gawking over raini 's swimsuit

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Laura POV
"Omg girl I can not get over how great you look in that bathing suit" I say gawking over raini 's swimsuit. " omg thank you so much Laura I thought I would look to fat in it" she says smiling so hard. " no you look so amazing " calum says. Raini laughs and we all join in. We walk up to the water. " hey you guys want some ice cream?" Calum says. "Nah I'm good " me and Raini both say in unison. We laugh and calum starts running to the ice cream shop that's at the corner of the beach. "So what were you really doing that made you take so long ". Raini says raising an eyebrow. " whaaaaaat are you talking about" i say. " c'mon I've been your best friend for years I could totally tell u where lying." She says giggling. " you were making out with that blonde god weren't you?" She says smiling and raising an eyebrow. " yes but only cause he is a blonde god like you said and his kisses are like gold. And not to mention he l-" I say getting cut off. " is that the blonde god I see with another girl." She says pointing to Ross with his hands wrapped around a girl. Which by the way has like no fucking bathing suit on. It's like a leaf on both nipples and a pine cone on her vagina!!! "What the- you know what its was a or time thing that shit is never happening again." I say calmly. "No no no he kissed you and now he's wrapped around another girl. I am not gonna let you take that from him Laura you need to go stand your ground." Raini says demanding and yelling. " you know what your right I'm going over there to give him a price of my mind" I say walking in the water to them.

Ross POV
After Laura left I got a text from Sabrina saying she has a friend that she thinks I would like. So now I am on this "blind date" with this girl who's name I don't even know. Tammy,faith , Brooke, Grace, Angela,Tracey , Stacey. Fuck if I know. The girl is so annoying she is always touching me. Don't get me wrong she's hot but her voice is hella annoying. And know she put my hand around her. " don't you like how small my waist is rossy" she says with the annoying ass voice. "Yeah whatever hey can you n-" " hey what the fuck is this " a little brunette girl says as she turns me around cutting me off. Oh it's Laura. " oh hey Laura what's up". I say removing my hands from the girls waste. " don't what's up me who the duck is this " she says pointing to the girl. " I'm Veronica rossy poo's girlfriend who the fuck are you bitch." She says yelling. Her names Veronica? I would have never guess . " 1. Not your girlfriend and two what's your deal Laura why are you yelling. " I say yelling as well. Laura grabs my arm and pulls me away from Veronica. " Ross what the hell I thought we had something" she says crossing her arms. " no you miss read that situation, we are like fuck buddies without the fuck. Yet. " I say furrowing my eyebrows. " if that's all we are then I'm gonna need you to stop kissing me" she said. " fine but I can't help it if you look hella sexy" I say smirking. " Ross don't just don't " she says putting her hand up and walking away. I sigh. But god I can't help but look at her ass. I want so bad to say " I hate to see you go , but I love to watch you leave" but there's a time and a place for that. I then feel two arms wrap around my neck and legs around my hips. "Hey bae what was that all about" she says on my back. " it was nothing but can you stop calling me babe it's our first date " I say taking her off my back. It's gonna be so weird seeing her at the dorm but I'll make the best of it😏

Laura POV
"How'd it go Laura" Raini says as I reach her. " I'll be fine I got what I needed to here, making out with him was a bad idea anyway. " I say. Damn it's gonna be so weird seeing him back at the dorm,it's best to give him the silent treatment we'll see how that goes.

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