Shower sex

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I wake up to the feeling of abs under my small fragile hands. I lay there spooning it wanting to never let go. Smelling its breath of fresh air and familiarity. I open my eyes realizing who's scent that was.

Oh shit did I have sex with Ross while he was drunk and I was half asleep.

I am currently on top of him with my arms around his torso and his one arm around my waist.

"Ross get the fuck up" I say shooting up still on top of him patting on his gorgeous ch- I mean regular normal chest. Nice save.

I look at what I'm wearing and see an oversized Beatles shirt on my pants less body. "Ross wake up" I yell. His eyes open slowly and he grins.

"Hey sleeping beauty how was your slumber " he says with an annoying smirk. I then realized I was still on him and more particularly on his crouch.

I attempted to get up but Ross grabs my waist and pulled me back. I  bounces once on his Rex on accident causing Ross to grunt.I gasps and stay frozen in shock

. I start breathing heavily from the feeling of his erection on my throbbing downstairs area.

I bite my bottom lip holding back a moan. For a solid 10 seconds we stare into each others eyes not breaking contact.

I  break the Contact and slowly get off of his lap. He let's me. I step off the bed and break the silence " just tell me if we had sex last night".

" No " he says "but we could change that" he continued with a wink and a smirk. I sigh not wanting to say anything back. As long as we did nothing sexual. Oh yeah cause what just happened 20 seconds ago doesn't count. Shut up stupid brain. I head to the bathroom to take a shower to wash away my shame. Nothing about that was shameful😏. Grrrrr.


What the fuck just happened, because I wouldn't mind it happening again. She heads to the bathroom locking the door and acts like nothing happened so I follow suit.

Laura's phone starts to vibrate a little in my pocket. I pick it up and it reads "Raini🤞🏻💁🏻👯". Who the hell and what the hell is a Raini. I answer it.

"Hello" I say through the phone. "Laura?" The person on the other side questions. "This isn't Laura this is her very hot roommate Ross " I say with a smirk. "Okay well can you tell her I called I have BIG news " she says emphasizing the BIG. " Well me and her are about to have shower sex so she'll call u as soon as she can" I hang up before she can even answer. Laura is not gonna be happy with you when she finds out. I don't care frankly. I hear the water stop and quiet steps toward the door.

Please let her be naked please let her be naked!

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