Just an innocent kiss

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Laura POV
Okay so that shower did not wash away what just happened and my memory of it. Well duh it just happened. Stfu brain I don't know what I was thinking falling asleep outside of the room. Literally anyone could've stolen me. But I bet you were so happy when it was him you woke up to. I walk out of the bathroom with a towel covering my body ignoring my inner thoughts. I then fell a glance on me that is setting me on fire. I look at Ross realizing he is gazing at my figure. Even tho I'm in a towel!!

Ross POV
She walks out the bathroom ,sadly not naked. But her figure is just visible to see her curves. And damn does she have amazing ones. She looks at me noticing I'm staring. "Take a picture it'll last longer." She says rolling her eyes. "Okay if you say so" I say taking a picture of her. You should put that as your screen saver. I think her contact would suffice. "Ross I didn't mean literal, I'm ugly right now, delete it." She says covering her face. " or what shorty are you gonna take the phone away". I stand on my bed and dangle my phone in the air. She hops on the bed and I hop off knows she still won't be able to reach it.  She tries to do the same but trips. In mid fall I catch her but end up going down with her. We end up on the floor and she is laying on top of me still covered in the towel. Our legs are intertwined and our lips are only centimeters apart. I don't know what made me do it but I leaned in and so did she. As our lips met I felt sparks and butterflies and a heating sensation. This is not like a kiss any other chick has given me. Hers was perfect.

Laura POV
Why am I kissing Ross right now. And why don't I want to stop. He sits up with me on his lap and his back on the foot of the bed. He cups my face and licks my lip slightly begging for entrance. I allow access. He moves his hands from my face to my hips. My arms are around his neck as my fingers are playing with his hair. I start to grind on him and he follows the rhythm to guide my hips. We fight for dominance as his tongue is roaming every inch of my mouth. Why is his kiss so amazing. I feel butterflies and wrenches in my stomach. He places his hands on my ass and squeezes as I still grind into him. He tugs my hair lightly and bites my lip I let out a moan. He starts to kiss me roughly after it. I put my hands on his chest and feel his perfection of a body. He starts to try and peel off my towel until.

*knock knock knock*

Ross POV
Oh my fucking god who could it be this early in the morning we brake for air and she gets up with towel around her. Wow that towel is really not letting go of her. She opens the door to a tall red head and a short Latina from the looks of it.

Well that took forever for me to update.🙄 Mainly cause I had no ideas🙈. But hope hope you guys liked it👍🏾. Tell me anything I could improve☺️. I need some authors criticism. 😎Alright byeeee❤️

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