"JUST friends"

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Laura's POV

After opening the door to see my mother and stepdad I see Ross quickly dip to the bathroom.

" hey baby it's so good to see you". My mom says embracing my in to a warm hug. I return the hug and breath her in. She smells like home. " i missed you guys so much, I just wish you would have called first" I say hugging my step dad.

They look at me confused. " honey who was that young man who went to the bathroom just now."
" umm he is myyy.."

" boyfriend" my mother says interrupting me with a huge smile on her face.

" no no he's just my roommate" I say with a shocked look on my face. " that's new, usually it is same gender pairing, did you try and get that fixed." My stepdad says with a concerned look on his face.

" it was just a mix up in the pairing. And he is JUST a friend." I say looking at my mom on the last part. I tell my mother and step dad that I have do work" lie" and that Sabrina and Kira will help them find a room to sleep in.

" alright see you guys in the morning" I say waving to them as they make it in the elevator.

I close the door to the room and let out a sigh of relief. Ross comes out of the bathroom and I feel a pair of strong hands wrap around my waist.

I let out a smile as he starts to kiss and suck on my neck. " shall we go back to we're we left off" he whispers in my ear with a husky and manly tone. " I'm sorry Ross, but I gotta get some sleep. I'm going out with my parents tomorrow." I say trying to leave his grip. He doesn't budge. I turn to look at him and his eyebrow is raised and his lips are in a thin line. " I don't recall asking." He says in a demanding tone.

He grabs my butt lifting me into the air as if I weigh nothing and on instant I wrap my legs around him. He pushes me against the wall. I gasp and he  starts back at my neck then on my collar bone. Working his way to my chest. Lifting off my shirt as if it was nothing. The way he makes my feel. Makes me wet and needy in an area I better not say. And god is he sexy and demanding. And I fucking love it.

But I can't right now.



I let out a moan as he sucks on the skin on my breast. His hand still on my ass to hold me up. " Ross....... s-stop... I... c-cant." I struggle to not let out a moan. He groans which sends electricity through my body. " shhhh" he says before slamming his lips on mine. I kiss back because how could I not. 

He squeezes my ass and I moan in his mouth. I break the kiss " Ross I'm sorry " he looks at me and then rests his forehead on mine.

" all I wanted was to kiss every single square inch of your body, then fuck you brains out until you cum while screaming my name" he whispers then let's out a sigh. " but u have to  go out with you parents." He sighs once more. Let's me go as I drop to my feet. He walks away and goes to his bed. I watch him speech less and shirtless as he removes his shirt and goes on his phone. 

What I would have done to lick those hard abs.

He notices me staring and mumbles something. " huh" I say so I could hear what he said. " goodnight Laura" he says." Goo-good night" I stutter.
What the fuck just happened!?

Hi guys how's it been going. 😊I know I should update my but I've been reading as well. 💀Well leave your comments on what you though and yea😘. See you soon people people😜. Byyeeee✌🏾

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