Friends and forgiveness

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"OH MY GOSH OH MY FUCKING FUCKING GOD!!!!!" I say jumping up and down. My best friends in the whole wide fricking world are here. "Calum Raini I can't believe it " I say almost tearing up. I hold them in a group hug that lasted for 20 seconds. They have really big smiles on there faces. " well we just couldn't stand to leave our bff in this beautiful place alone." Raini said smiling. " so we decided to fly out here and see you. It was my idea." Calum said very proud of himself. " How'd you find out where I was. " I say confused letting them in. "We ran into these two girls that said they knew you and they gave us the number. " raini said sitting on Ross's bed. "Oh that's not my bed that's my roommates". I say gesturing her to get up. " oh you mean that really attractive guy that you had shower sex with I think I heard about him already". Wtf wtf wtf I never said that nor have I ever done it who even ......Rosssssssssss!!!!!

I slipped into the bathroom as soon as they came in the door and I recognized that voice. I think the short one is the one I said me and Laura had shower sex with. Well it wasn't a complete lie. We were once in the shower together. And we where obviously about to have sex if they weren't here. How long is this visit. Because I would really like to get back to the make out. I hear Laura yell my name and I undress and jump in the shower.
~~~10 minutes later~~~
I hop out the shower and wrap the towel around my waist. I bet you'd like to wrap your arms around her waist. Well your not wrong on that brain. I start to grin. I walk to the sink and brush my teeth. During it I hear the door close. Hopefully they left. I finish brushing my teeth and leave the bathroom. Laura stares at me and examines my chest. I smirk and reach in my drawer to grab underwear and clothes. She is laying on her bed that she cleared and wearing a white top with blue ripped shorts and a light sweater. Paired with a necklace and white converse.

I don't means to be a creep but she looks really sexy

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I don't means to be a creep but she looks really sexy. I get dressed and make my way to her bed. I sit next to her and pull her on my lap and smash my lips on hers.

Laura's POV
My eyes widen and I push Ross off of my lips. "Stop Ross" I say sounding angry. "Just skip class this morning. What's one class." He says proceeding on to kissing but on my neck. I shove him off again looking angry crossing my arms about to get off of his lap. He pulls me back and looks in my eyes " what's wrong with you " he says upset and angry at the same time. I sigh " you told my only friends that I had sex with you and they probably think I'm a slut now and when I told them I'm not they thought I was keeping it from them. And I don't have class this morning. " I say looking down and crossing my arms. He lifts my chin. " look I'm sorry but I was annoyed and said the only thing that came to mind and plus it wouldn't be that bad if you lost them. You have Sabrina and Kira now." He says leaning in. I dodge it. " they aren't gonna stop being friends with me it's just that I'm acting so different then how I was back home. " I say playing with my hands. He leans into my ear and says " differents a good thing" in a deep voice that made me shiver.he looks back at me and kisses me and I kiss back. He lifts his knees so my back has support and placed his hands on my hips. I grind into him earning a groan. And he smirks pulling away and going to my neck. He sucks and starts making hickeys. I moan letting him know he found my sweet spot. He sucks there harder and I arch my back and tilt my head. He pulls back and smashes his lips on mine causing me to gasp. I grind into him harder. Then I open my eyes mid kiss and realize my plans. I pull away and see Ross pout and I hop of his lap. Grabbing my phone and purse. " where u going princess. " he says getting off the bed and watching me. " i forgot I had plans with Calum and raini and they are waiting in the lobby. I head for the door until a hand pulls me back from my wrist and spins me. I face Ross's chest and he picks me up by my ass and I wrap my legs around him and my arms on his neck. "Hey there" I say smiling. He slams me into the wall causing me to gasp. He French kisses me for 10sec and I pull away " I'll miss your lips princess." He says in a husky voice. " you won't have to wait to long daddy" I say in my attempt sexy voice. I jump down and walk for the door. He slaps me on the ass as I walk toward the door. I gasp and smirk I walk out the door and realize my sexy voice was indeed sexy.😏

Hope you guys liked it👍🏾❤️❤️. Tell me what you think in the comments😃. bye now👋🏾

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