What the duck!!!!

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After chasing blonde and jiggles I ended up hanging with them on our last day of summer break. There names are Sabrina and Kira but I like the nicknames better. I still wonder where that other girl is I never really saw her face but she might be the ugly one of the group. The girls seem cool and I could definitely see me and Kira fucking some time and me and Sabrina being close friends or fuck buddys who knows. At 7:00 i go to the lobby to the dorms. I go to the elevator. Reach my floor and I'm ready to meet my roommate. "Please let him be cool,please let him be cool." I unlock the door and see the bathroom door shut and a pretty neat room that will not last long. There is a bra on the floor. Wow first day and this dude already got girls. I assume he is in the bathroom with the girl so why not barge in to make a first impression.

I am currently watching makeup videos that I know nothing about. I hear the door open outside and I realize that must be my new roommate. Dang it I just messed up my eyeliner. Suddenly the door busted open and a boy walked in "ahhhhhh" I suddenly realize I'm in my pink underwear I hardly ever wear. " where's my roommate- he paused because he recognized me and I recognized him too." " don't I know you" he said. " you were the guys that smacked my friends butt" I said. " oh yeah your the other brunette other then jiggles" he says with a smirk I'm going to hate forever. " why are you here" he said. "I live here" I said. " so do I". "Fuuuuuck" he says annoyed. "Fuuuuudge" I said cause I barely curse. " so I'm guessing this is yours" he says holding up a black Victoria secret lace bra. I snatch it from him and push pass him. He takes off his shirt and starts the shower. Dang he has rock hard abs fuck me up. "U like what you see or something " he says with that same fucking smirk. I just realized I was still in my underwear staring at him biting my lip. I walk to my bed and get on my phone. I pretend I'm texting someone but I am actually on my notes. 10min later i here someone yelling brownie. "Brownie, hey brunette". We don't know each other's names yet,weird. I walk in the bathroom and I see him in the shower. The shower is like blurry but see through. So I'm looking up at his face the whole time. "What!!!" I yelled back. "Go in my suitcase and get my towel". "Fine" is said. I went to his suit case On his bed and I opened it up. First thing I saw was underwear and a condom box. " magnum" yea right I said to myself. I grab the condoms and put it in my drawer and hide it. I grab the towel and go back in the bathroom. I stand at the door. " I'm going to throw it and u have to catch it" I say. " not like you can throw good so just come here and give the towel to me" he said commanding me. I go to the shower cautiously and put out my hand to give it to him. He grabbed my hand pulled me in , held my waist so my back was facing him. I try to get loose but he would t let go. I felt his thing touch my thigh because I am in my underwear because I keep forgetting to put on pants. " let me go blondie" I said trying to get loose. The water is over me and I'm being drenched in so much water. "Don't you like it when I make you wet baby" he whispered in my ear making me shiver. I stepped on his foot and he lets me go. I get out the shower dripping in water I am drenched. He walks out with his towel wrapped around his waist. Water running down his chest. His hair sopping wet. He walks past me like nothing just happened. I'm at this point really mad. I dry myself off and put on some new pajamas in the bathroom alone. After he put his underwear one cause that's all he wore he walked in with his tooth brush while I was brushing my teeth. Once he was done he walked over to the door about to leave the bathroom. I jumped on his back and started bringing him down.

All done sorry it was so long. But I forgot when to stop. It's about to get really good tho. Vote and comment and read the next chapter. See you later😘😘😘😗😘😘

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