Awesome rooms and bitchy boys

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Laura got her room key and Sabrina and Kira walk her up to her room. And Ross sees a pair he remembers.


"So what's your room key say" Kira says. "Umm 69 I think I don't have my glasses on and I took my contacts out" I say unsure. " here lemme see that, yup it's 69" Sabrina says taking the key and reading it off. Suddenly they start bust out laughing. Probably it because I wear glasses. " ha ha very funny ,  I must be such a nerd cause I wear glasses". " no it's not that 69 is your room number" Kira says tearing up from laughing. Oh I get it 69. Then I start laughing along. *ding floor 6* the elevator says. As we are walking to floor 69 we are still in laughter.  I open the door and notice a perfectly clean room and neatly made beds. This place is freaking awesome. "Wow" we all say I unison. " this place is dope" "Sabrina you took the words right out of my mouth" is say to her. Then Kira runs into the bathroom and starts screaming. " what what happened!" I say terrified. " she has a thing for big bathrooms and bath tubs" Sabrina says explaining. Me and her walk into the bathroom and start screaming in excitement as well. The bathroom in that place looks amazing. " the tub is so big and the makeup station on the sink oh I wanna help you un pack so bad" Kira says way to excited. " I don't really have makeup not as much as u do I assume." " that's a problem we need to fix tha-" "umm hello u still need to show me my room and where my class is" Sabrina says interrupting Kira. " oh my gosh I'm so sorry, Laura we gotta go but if you need anything text me" Kira said. She takes my phone from my pocket and puts her and Sabrina's number in it. I really need to get a lock on that thing. " bye " "bye" we say to each other.

An hour after they leave I am already done in packing. I showered and got in my pajamas. I'm wearing my glasses, short red pajama pants and a super man tank top. I assume my roommate isn't coming till later. It is 7:00 right now and a couple hours past and I ended up finishing my schedule and summer assignments. I have my first class at 7:30am which means I can wake up should wake up at 7:00am. Right now I'm just chilling with my messy bun and square glasses. And I'm reading the book kindred. And oh my gosh it is so good. I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to books as well. Anyway off to reading.

(This was earlier in the day when Sabrina and Kira just left Laura's room. )
*ding level 6* the elevator says. As the elevator door opens I'm greeted  by jiggles and blondie. Well no technically greeted. "Ughhhhh"
They said in unison. " hey jiggles" I say with a smirk. They step in the elevator and I decide to stay in there with them. " what room is yours" jiggles says. But I don't pay attention to that I look at her ass, I mean who couldn't. " hello dumb ass what room is yours" the blonde on says. " why do you want to know , u guys want to have a threesome or something cause I would love to see you girls kiss" I say spreading my two fingers and lick between them. Then wink. Jiggles try's to smack me again but I catch her hand. The blonde one try's to as well and I do the same as well. I twist there arm behind there back and hold it there just hard enough to it hurts just a little. " what did I say before" I whisper in both of there ears . " alright alright let us go" Kira says. I let the blonde go and still have jiggles in a grip. I get closer , grab her ass and whisper in her ear. "Don't do it again or I won't let go". I let go and she stays quiet then I smack the blonde ones ass. The elevator door opens and they both nod at each other. They kick me in the dick At the same time and run. "Fuuuuuuuuck" I yell. It didn't hurt that much so I get out the elevator and spot them. So they wanna play? Then let's play.

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