New girls and new ass

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So let's catch u up on this handsome devil. He got to the airport. Got on the plan and landed safely in la. His mother gave him a 5,000 dollar card for a gift. He got a lift from a friend and they both went off at his new school.

"Okay Ross, this is it your new life, away from home" my buddy James says as we get out his truck. " So , since u been hear for a year tell me the ropes around the clubs and girls and the GIRLS" I said annunciating the word girls both times. " listen dude some of these girls might be hard to get to but some are definitely sluts so u could go for the hoes or.......... I don't know what he is even saying anymore I am just focused on one particular ass that jiggles when it moves and Oh what I would like to do in between them-. " ROSS ROSS ROSS what the fuck are you looking at". Ooohhhh that is something to look at. So what you gone do about it there is fresh meat and your not about to just stare. Stfu brain I already know my plan. I walk up to the brunette from behind and give it a nice smack so I can feel the jiggle. " hey baby come by my room and I could do that to you more" I say laughing walking backwards. The brunette looks up at me with her brown eyes and looks like jaws coming for dinner. " hey princess, u gonna take me up on that offer" I say with a smirk. *smack* the bitch smacked me. " listen dick my name is not princess and I am definitely not a hoe u can smack on the ass whenever u feel like it". Wow she looks mad maybe you shouldn't have-. " you listen shorty don't be mad that u have a phat ass and if u smack me again I'm not gonna just stand here, I'm not afraid to hit girls". The girls walk away from me. " I HATE TO WATCHING YOU GO BUT I LOVE TO WATCH YOU LEAVE SWEETHEART". I say as the girls walk away. " dude that was awesome let's hope I'm your roommate so we can do this all the time" James says. " let's hope cause I like the feisty ones". We walk over to the building with all the rooms, and we walk in front off the line. " hey douche bag you can't just cut in front". I turn around to a man that I have to look down to. " you wanna say that again" I say raising my voice with a mean look on my face. " naw man do u it's all good " he said with a terrified face. I turned around with a smirk the woman at the front desk asked my name. Gave me the key and the number and the floor number. "Ard James I'll text you later" I say as the elevator door closes. I hit the floor number and I go up. My floor is 6 and my number is 69. Ha 69 hehehehe. I really hope I don't get a nerd as a roommate. You and me both buddy.

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