What an asshole

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Lets catch u up. Laura's mom dropped her at the airport. Laura got settled in the plan and got to la safely. Her mother left her with 2,000 dollars to support her. Laura caught an uber to her new school. Okay okay enough with the jibber jabber let's get on.

" thank you, have a nice day" I said getting out my uber drivers car. "Hi I'm Kira, welcome to University of California, Los Angeles" a girl with brown kinda poofy haired but with waves girl says. " Oh my gosh hi , umm hi I'm Laura" I say in shock. " aww Laura is such a pretty name, well anyway I go to this school but they trusted me with greeting new students". " Or anyone who stays and lets u talk, hi I'm Sabrina don't mind my friend here she's a little talkative" A blonde girl with blue eyes , definitely a skater chick , say standing next to Kira. " oh that's quite alright I'm just happy that I didn't have to say hi first. I'm Laura nice to meet you". " well I think you me and Kira are going to get right along Laura" she says with a smirk on her face. " where you comin from " Kira say as we all start walking to I assume the room keys are. " um Miami how bout  you guys".i say trying to make small talk. " we are both from Houston Texas born and raised. Me and her have been besties since we could spell it" Sabrina says hugging Kira in a kind flirty way. " are you guys together if so I have no problem with that #love wins" I say not trying to be offensive. " no silly, we just are the type of friends that aren't afraid to get handsy" Kira says with a smile. " any ways where are we going". I say cause I'm literally thinking that they are just taking me to somewhere I'm not supposed to be. " well we are going to the office to get the room key to your room, you are a freshy right" Kira says. "Yes I just thought we would be in a different building". " nope we all sleep in one big building but the rooms aren't so bad" Sabrina says. " okay well I was just che-. *smack* " hey baby come bye my room and I can do that much more" the butthole with blonde hair says laughing walking back words. Just in case u missed it I was just interrupted by an asshole who doesn't know what personal space is. HE SMACKED KIRAS ASS!i look at her and she does not look happy.

Ready for the next chapter cause I fuckin am. But don't forget to like and comment on this chapter. Alright your ready let's go😘😘😂

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