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Laura's POV
" bye Laur " my bestfriends yells from the elevator. I love my friends they even decided to walk me up to my floor. I really do and don't want to see Ross. I do because then I can see his reaction when he realizes I'm not talking to him. But then I don't because then I have to see him and I know somehow he is gonna make me talk to him. Damn his little fuck boy charm. But not this time I am going to stand up for my self and hold my ground. Yea you say that now. I reach my door pull out the key card and open the door with closed eyes. Please don't be here please please please. I open my eyes to an dark room that is probably empty. I let out a sigh and turn the lamp on that is next to my bed. Then a pair of hands reach around my eyes blocking my vision. I hear a click and the pair of strong hands turn me around. ATP I can't see anything. Suddenly a pair of lips crash on mine and the hands wrap around my waist. The person slams me on the bed causing me to gasp. I would be freaking out but I know who's lips these are. I knee him in the dick and get up of the bed while I hear a big body fall to the ground. I turn on the lamp to see a blonde headed choch on the floor holding his Rex. I step over him, grab my towel and head to the bathroom. Your gonna have to try harder then that Ross.

Ross's POV
This chick does not give. I'm currently on the floor hold my dick because the small brunette kneed me in my tenders. I get up and sit on the bed after the pain is gone. What the hell is her problem it's not like I scared her. She knew exactly who's lips there were. I mean there unforgettable. I feel like she did it on purpose. If she thinks she can do that to me, that little person has got another thing coming.
~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~~
What the hell is taking her so long the shower stopped 20 min ago. I gotta take a piss. " OH I GET IT YOUR TRYING TO AVOID ME , FINE LET ME MAKE IT EASIER FOR YOU." And with that I slam the door behind me to go to my friends dorm room that's all the way o the other side of the building got dammit.

Laura's POV
I hear the door close and I take out my earphones. I am currently in a bubble bath to soak away the bullshit that Ross brings in my life. But thank god he left. Now I hopefully won't have to see his face for the rest of the night.
~~~~~~30min later~~~~~~
*slam* wtf it sounds like someone just busted through the door. I quietly get out the bathtub put my towel around my self and open the door a bit to see who it's is. I see two big mean in all black tearing up our dorm. I'm freakin out right now. Am I getting robbed. I need to go call the cops like right now. I quietly run to my phone that is on the edge of the tub. I slip on a puddle and fall pushing my phone in the water. Fuck fuck fuck that was loud. I hear a the two men stop. I get up and look for a hiding place. My only place is in the tub of water. With my towel still on I lay down in the tub taking a deep breath. I hear the bathroom door slam open. Slowly running out of air I try and stay down but I can't much longer. Then a hand reaches in the water and pulls me by my hair out of the tub. I gasp for air and start screaming. The man that has my hair is also hold my mouth quiet so I can't scream. " silent or else" he screams. " Stan keep her there while I go lock the door I wanna have some fun". The other one says. Fun what do they mean bye fun. I bite his hand and try to run away. I head for the door but the man comes back and blocks my way. He punches me in the face causing me to fall back and locks the door behind him. I wince in pain and the one that had my hair drags me agian by my hair standing me up. I hold my nose crying. " you must be the blonde idiots girlfriend ,hi I'm one of his friends that he did dirty." The man says with a smirk. I let go of my nose and and shake my head. " don't lie to me bitch" he says smacking me causing me to fall to the floor again. They both laugh. I look at them crying holding my cheek. " it seems like he's not here right now to repay him the favor , so I guess we are just gonna have to do you dirty. " he says laughing. They sit on the floor and one drags me to him. He sits on me and starts fondiling my breast while the other one watches holding my arms down. " I don't know how ross keeps finding you beautiful girls but if your dating lynch you must be a whore who takes dick for a living." He says in a deep voice. " I'm trying to tell you I don't date him." I say struggling to talk. He slaps me again and starts unzipping his pants. " I said don't lie to me. Your about to get fucked harder then lynch will ever fuck you." He says with a smirk on his face. His friend is behind my head unzipping his pants as well. I start to struggle but the beating they have given me made me weak. Then the bathroom door slams open revealing ross.

Ross's POV
I start walking to my room after coming back from my friends. I hear screaming. " Laura" I say running to the door. The. Door has been kicked open and the room looks like it's been robbed. I take 2 seconds to analyze it. I look at the bathroom door and see it's locked. I kick it open and see these two men about to rape Laura. I get furious and grab the one on top of her off. I punch him and start fighting both of them while Laura just lays there. As I'm fighting I realize that the two men are people I went to school with that really didn't like me for something they thought I did. I throw them out the bathroom and start punching and punching and punching. One looks like he is about to pass out and the other is bleeding harder then the first one. Once I think they had enough I throw them out the room. " I SWEAR TO GOD IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN ILL KILL YOU" I say while they use the rest of there strength to run away. I close the door and lock it. I run to the bathroom and see Laura huddled up knees to chest crying. I kneel down and hug her. She hugs back. I stand her up. " we need to get you to the hospital ". I say looking at her bleeding nose. " no please I th-think I'll be fine. If my parents find out what happened they will keep me back home. " she says almost passing out. I obey and pick her up like a baby. She is still in a towel. I clear off her bed with one hand and lay her in it. She closes her eyes. " thank you" she whispers. I smile and start cleaning up.

After cleaning I lay in my bed and turn out the lamp. I close my eyes. Then I feel and hear Laura get out of her bed and get in hers. " I feel safe with you please" she says quietly. I nod my head and she gets in my bed and I wrap my arms around her pulling her to my chest. I can feel her breathing on my chest and I smile. Then I slowly drift off to sleep.

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