I love you

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" I love you Laura ".

Ross starts pacing and rambling.

" Laura I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about by at the same time I do. I love you and I cant stand being without you. When I saw you laughing with the guy in the coffee shop. I got so jealous and that made me know how much I like you. I fucking love you. Your smile, how it lights up my world. Your eyes, how they shine in the sun. Your hair, how it can do what the fuck ever it wants and still be perfect. I just love you. Your sense of humor, how you make me laugh. Or how you sometimes laugh at the stupidest jokes and I laugh at you downing that. There is so much more but it all sums up to how much I love you. Laura I love you."

He finally finishes and stops pacing , now standing in front of her.

" Ross I- I don't know what to say." She says in a response.

" I know you couldn't possibly feel the same way and I respect that so I'll ju- "

Ross gets cut of by Laura kissing him passionately. He responds immediately and snakes his hands on her waist. Her hands around his neck.

" you didn't let me finish " she says.

" I love you Ross"

Ross's eyes light up and takes not more then a second to hug her. Tightly in an embrace that hold so much more then a kiss. They let go reluctantly but still close to each other.

" Laura Marano would you like to go on a date with me" he looks down gazing in her eyes.

" yes I would Ross lynch". She says looking up gazing in his eyes.

Sorry for the short part.

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