Your Day

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A better day
Another day
A chance to get it right

A brighter day
A sweeter day
You've lasted another night

A happier day
A different day
A time to make a change

A nicer day
Fantastic day
It's clear of any rain

So maybe it was a down day
So blue
And oh so dreary

But tomorrow will be better
Change to blue skies
So you see clearly

I know you feel so broken
So stressed
And beaten down

But I just wanted you to know
The world
Hasn't bested you now

And it never will

You have the heart of a fighter
A strength like no one else

And I promise your heart
Will be lighter

Just believe in yourself
Like I believe in you

Tomorrow will be better
Tomorrow will be yours.

A quick (maybe) note from the poet!

Hello! It's me again! I'm trying to update every day from now on, because I feel like it's good for me. This poem means a lot to me, because I wrote it for my mom while we were packing to go to a new house. It stressed us all out, but she is the one it hit the hardest. She was also the one who had to keep her head up. I tried my best to be strong, but I couldn't help but cry when I was putting things in boxes. At the time, I thought I was weak, so weak as to cry when the rest of my family was crying. But I realize now that it isn't weak at all to cry at something like that, at anything really. Rather, the strength radiates off of you when you cry, because it shows your emotions. We all cried that night. My mom cried the hardest, though, and so I  wrote this for her to make her feel better. It ended up making her cry harder at first, but it was a happy cry from that point on. I love her so much. She's so strong. My love for her will never end, just as it will never end for anyone else in my family. Strength isn't just leading and keeping your head up and being indestructible, it's being unafraid to show emotion. It's taking pride in who you are. It is learning lessons and admitting your mistakes. You need to know your strength, and know that if you are strong (which you undoubtedly are), there is not a single moment where it doesn't show. It shines constantly, and never goes out.

So I guess this wasn't a short Author's Note, but it was meaningful. Thanks again for reading!

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