Part 17

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I fluttered through the sky, testing out my wing.

"Yep, fully healed," I informed Razorback, who was hovering just below me.

We headed back down to the train station, where White had just shown up with a carry-on bag of all our possessions. Allah slithered back with a new pokedex, as the old one had been lost. Luckily, all the data it had on us was already in the 'cloud', though I wasn't sure what that was at the time, and made a habit of not disrupting any clouds in the sky, should I destroy any 'data'.

"C'mon, Premonition!" White called, and we piled onto the train. HB had already secured a carriage for us, his blue rings glowing brightly as we approached.

"Where are we going? Home?" I asked.

"Hoenn," he replied.

"Hoenn?" I looked to White for explanation, and she stared wistfully out the window.

"It's time to take down some Elite 4s... and I have another small project too, that needs completion. Haedis has already arranged for Lancelot to meet us at the border, and he'll bring us to Victory Road... after a small detour."

She said no more, and the trip was a quiet one.

Two days later, we reached Kanto.

We challenged the Indigo Plateau, and won easily within two hours.

Then we stopped by Professor Willow's lab, and White went in alone. Without a word, we were then off to Hoenn. Lancelot, as promised, met us at the border, and brought us back to Lilycove City, with the shimmering beach and acquamarine waves.

"May!" White called, and raced over to the young trainer, knee-deep in the waves.

"May!" White called, and raced over to the young trainer, knee-deep in the waves

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I held out the pokeball I had picked up at the Professor's lab.

"I know you'd make a brilliant trainer with this guy at your side. C'mon, give it a shot. I'll give you any Pokémon you want, if you try. Well, except Arceus. Those are tricky. But I have a spare masterball, and I'll use it on anything but a Burmy, since they're cheap enough nowadays. Please?"

May's face broke into a grin, and the sunlight ran over her hair.

"Well... I won't have time to start training until next month, but... oh, I'll look after this little guy."

She raced out to the beach and let Fennekin out, squealing with delight.

"A fox Pokémon! I love foxes. And wolves, dogs... Thank you, White!"

"Thank Prof Willow. When- if you go to Kanto, make sure to stop by his lab for a good pokedex."

I spent most of the day with Fennekin and May, while most of the others went to a proper tour of the museum.

Blue, Dawn, May and Me: A UnovaRPG FanficWhere stories live. Discover now