Part 16

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So. Yeah. When I woke up, we were heading to a major city inland, and we were just passing a lake, Lake Verity I believe. Held the 'Pokémon of emotion', Mesprit, or something.

It turned out, the trains were back on schedule 3 days early (instead of the usual month or two late), so we could've arrived in Sinnoh a whole 4 days earlier if we had just waited for the trains to be back up.

Or been 8 days early if we'd taken the roundabout network.

Not to mention we were on the complete opposite side of Sinnoh, in Canalave city, where the sixth gym was located.

And the fact we almost died.

Hey, was it my fault the darn Wailord was deaf?

Yeah. Kind of. When did you even meet him?

When HB joined the team. Remember, you sent Razorback to look for me?


You're too good at making friends.

Anyway, one or two days later, we were at Canalave city, i.e. Dogwash city.

Seriously. In Italian, cane means dog and lava means wash. Switch two of the vowels around and it's literally dogwash city.

So, naturally, I washed my dog.

Well, I didn't mean to. Haedis fell in the water when we went to visit Benny who was parked in the harbour.

The last thing I wanted to do was visit that nightmare, but the police were going to give us a ticket if we didn't get him out of the way. He was pretty enormous, even parked right next to a cruiser.

"Benny? We'll need you to leave," I pleaded. I had just gotten off the phone, convincing my mum that I was, indeed, alive, and I had a headache and wanted to sleep and really couldn't be bothered convincing a Wailord to move.

"Sup. I'm B-dawg."

"I swear, we won't hesitate to electrocute you."

That was a lie. I wasn't strong enough to execute another thunder.

Actually, it wasn't. I would've been fine tossing you at Benny until you activated, honestly.


Thanks to you and your 'friend', we almost died.

Well, while you were half-heatedly threatening Benny, I chatted up a Reuniclus nearby and got her to communicate kinetically to Benny. I got her to include some of your more creative threats, like 'I will literally turn you into a pile of oranges'. How were you going to pull that one off?

...I dunno, probably by throwing oranges at him until they activated.

Well, then Benny sure ran off. He may have been crying, though it's hard to tell with water Pokémon that are permanently smiling. I mean seriously, that guy was cute at first, but he got hella creepy.

Haedis, watch your language before you start swearing.

Yeah, sure.

Then, of course, we found out the thing about the gyms.

Oh yes. The thing about the gyms was fun. Btw, if you'd known that before I found out and didn't tell me, I would've literally-

Turned me into a pile of oranges?

...I was going to say 'stabbed you in the chest 1000 times with a rusty knife', but that works.

Because. Well. In every other region, you go to a new city, fight the gym, win, and go heal up in the closest Pokémon centre. In Sinnoh, however...

You've got to fight. All eight gyms. In a row. Without healing up.

All eight carroting gyms.

It was fun to find that out just after we'd almost died getting there.


Woah, calm down there.


Um. Are you-

ALL. EIGHT. CARROTING. GYMS. know what? I think I'm going to leave before you find that rusty knife you were talking about...











plz no


Where'd Haedis go?

Ah well.


I was slightly annoyed.

Y'know, after the grand 'cruise' with Benny.

And I could definitely think of some more... creative threats to send after him.

Luckily, Razorback was there to stop me tearing the sign to shred.

Even though it was made of steel, I don't think it would've stood a chance.

Blue, Dawn, May and Me: A UnovaRPG FanficWhere stories live. Discover now