1. Something That Is Wanted

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Courtney POV

I woke up from the sound of my alarm. Everything just happened too fast. I sighed and got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom. I looked at myself and saw that my makeup was smudged due to me crying the whole night.

"Courtney, just forget about it and focus on your job and friends and family." I said to myself, trying to motivate myself.

I brushed my teeth, got an outfit and left my house to go to work. I lived with Wes and from what it looks like, he already left home.

I got in the Smoffice and Olivia ran to me and hugged me.

"It's going to be okay! You will find someone better than that douchebag." she whispered to my ear.

Once she said that, tears started running down my cheek...

Last night:

I was going home after a long day of work. Wahlid and I have been together for a year now, but I was starting to feel like something was going on behind my back.

Noah was telling me that he saw Wahlid with another girl, but I kept telling everyone that he is the one. I know that it was cheesy but I was in love.

I decided to surprise him so I went to Starbucks to get coffees and drove to his home. When I arrived at his home, I saw him talking to a brunette girl and the next thing I saw was that their lips touched and they kept it that way for it seems like forever. I felt tears were starting to blur my vision.

After the girl left, I got out of my car and stormed to his house.

"Who was she? Why were you kissing her?" I shouted to him. He turned to face me and said "Courtney let me explain..."

"How long have you been together with her?" I asked him. He just looked at me and never answered my question.

"How long? Just tell me the truth! How long?!" I yelled almost breaking.

"About a month" he said looking down. " I am so sorry Courtney."

Right when he said it, tears started running down and I didn't bother to wipe them. I turned around and started walking to the door. Before I got out, I turned to face him and said

"Goodbye Wahlid", turning away and walking back to my car. I started driving back to my home and Wes was there.

"Hey Courtney, where were you?" he asked. When he saw me with tears in my eyes, he stood up and hugged me.

"I am really sorry for you Court. If you need anyone to talk to, I am here. I could also let the girls know about your situation." he whispered while pulling away from the hug.

All I ever did was nodded my head at him and went to my room. I didn't do anything other than cry for hours. Sooner or later, I cried myself to sleep...

Mari's POV

I came to the office with Boze, when suddenly Wes started coming to us and said to come with him in the meeting room. Boze and I followed him, without questioning why.

When we got there, Olivia and Courtney were there. I saw Courtney's face and she looked like she had been crying.

"He cheated on me." she mumbled. After a split second, I went to her and hugged her. Boze did the same thing.

"It is okay Courtney. There are many guys out there who are better than him." Boze stated. Wes and the girls nodded their heads.

"I just want someone to love me. I thought that he wouldn't be like any of the other guys that I dated. Turns out that I was wrong." she said while crying.

"Every guy would be lucky to have you. It is his lost if he doesn't see that." Olivia reassured her.

"Thanks guys!" Courtney stood up and we all went for a group hug.

I felt sorry for her

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