7. Falling

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Shayne's POV

I was at the beach in my tuxedo, waiting for someone to arrive. It was my wedding day, everyone who I love were their and I have Noah standing beside me because he is my best man.

"You ready?" Noah asked.

"Ready than I'll ever be!"

Then my future wife started walking down the aisle and she was just breathtaking. I took her hands and we stood facing one another. We said our vows to each other, exchange rings and the priest

"... You may kiss the bride!"

I was lifting her veil and started leaning in...

Brinngg! Brinngg!

My dreams were interrupted by the sound of my alarm.

"God Dammit!" I groaned and got my phone, which was laying on my left nigh table. I rubbed my eyes and look at the time.

"Shit! I am late!" I quickly got up, chose my outfit for today. I am just wearing my casual bear shirt with black jeans and black shoes. I brushed my teeth and hurried to my car and started driving to work.

I parked my car and ran to the elevator. I was tapping my foot while waiting for the elevator to arrive.

"Look who finally showed up!" Olivia looked at me while drinking her Starbucks coffee.

"Two hours late! That's unusual. You must have had a bad hangover." Keith came to me for a hug.

"Yeah, I wasn't feeling that well during the weekends." I looked around the office and noticed that Courtney wasn't there. "Where is Courtney?"

"She went to the Smosh Games to film something." Noah answered still looking at his laptop.

I sat on my desk, just thinking about the party two days ago. I don't know but all I could remember was my kiss with Courtney. I want it to just mean a friendly kiss, but could it mean something else.

Three hours later:

"Hey guys. I'm here with the squad and we're are doing lunchtime vlog!" Courtney yelled at the camera.

"It has been a long time since we with a lunchtime vlog." Noah remarked.

The whole time, I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss...

"Shayne! Are you okay?" Courtney snapping out of my thought, after filming the squad vlog.

"Yeah, I think I just feel sick." I told her. I wasn't even sure if I am sick.

"Why don't you go home and rest. We don't really have anything to do today."

"You're right. Thanks Court!". She smiled and hugged me.

"Get well soon!" she took off and I went to Anthony's office.

"Hey Shayne! What's up?"

"Can I go home early? I am not really feeling well and I kinda need to rest. Unless we are still filming something important?"

"No! Not at all. Hope you feel better!"

"See ya!" waving goodbye to him. He waved back and I went to the parking lot.

I caught a glimpse of Courtney in Olivia's car.

What's happening?

I then saw Olivia hugged Courtney. I wish I could be there for her.

I went to my car and drove home. After I arrived at my place, I just went straight to bed. I was still thinking about the kiss and everytime I try to distract myself, it comes back.

Do I have feelings for Courtney? Does she feel the same way? No! You can't be falling in love with your best friend! She doesn't even like you. Why would you think that?

I was about to fall asleep when I heard my phone ring. I grabbed my phone and I saw that I have a message from Courtney.

C: Hey Shayney! Get well soon! You might be sleeping right now. Sorry for disturbing your rest. ❤😄

I smiled when after reading it.

S: Thanks Court Court! 😊

After I sent the message I thought to myself

I think I like Courtney.

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