3. The Girls' Emergency Code

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Olivia's POV

I arrived in the Smoffice, carrying Starbucks. I entered the building and saw Ian and Anthony.

"Hey Ian! Hey Anthony!" I shouted, waving me free hand to them.

They walked to me and hugged me.

"By the way, we have to shoot the new episode of Seriously Super Stupid Sleepover and The Show With No Name." Ian reminded. I nodded my head and we parted our ways.

I walked in the office and Shayne and Noah were already there. Not a surprise. They always come early.

"Hey Liv Liv!" "Hey!", both of them said.

"Hey guys!" I replied. I went to my desk and put my stuff, getting ready for work.

"Oh yeah, we have film something today." Shayne stated.

"No worries! I know. Ian and Anthony told me"

"Just making sure." He smiled at me. I smiled back.

I sat on a chair and started writing ideas for our next video while listening to music.

After 30 minutes, I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I shrugged it off because I thought it was Keith and this is one of the ways he annoys me. That person kept tapping me and I got irritated and pulled my earplugs and faced the person. It turned out to be Courtney and she looked nervous and anxious.

"I... I... need to talk to you.", she whispered. This must be something important because she would only be nervous whenever she wants to talk about important matters.

"Sure." I said. Then, she grabbed my wrist and pulled me in the meeting room where I see Mari sitting on the couch.

"Where's Boze?" I asked after looking around. We would always have the girls whenever it is important.

"She is filming Cell Outs with the boys." Mari answered. I sat on the couch, next to Mari. Courtney locked the door and sat in front of us. She was fidgeting a lot and she kept looking on the floor. The next thing I know was that Mari and I gasped after Courtney said,

"I think I like Shayne!"

Courtney's POV

Why can't I get him out my head? I wanted to scream just to get this frustration out.

Maybe I don't like him. Maybe I just missed having someone.

I arrived in our office and everyone was working, except for Keith because he wasn't there. I sighed and went to my desk and started working, hoping I can get it out of me.

After 5 minutes, I gave up. I kept getting distracted and I needed someone to talk about this. I got my phone and texted Mari.

C: Hey! Meet me in the meeting room. You and Boze. It is urgent!

M: Boze is filming, but I will come. Meet you there in 5 minutes.

C: See ya!

I locked my phone and went to Olivia and tapped her shoulder. When I got her attention, I said that I need to talk to her and I dragged her to the meeting room, where Mari was waiting.

Olivia sat next to Mari. I locked the door and sat in front of them. I was really nervous. I kept looking at the floor. I took a deep breath and said

"I think I like Shayne!" after saying that, I felt like weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I looked at their faces and both are shocked.

"Are you serious?!" both of the yelled at the same time. I shushed them.

I didn't want anyone to hear our conversation.

"Are you sure?" Olivia asked me.

"I don't know myself. I keep thinking about him and I can't get him out of my head." I replied.

"Do you like him or are just infatuated with the idea?" Mari asked. When she said that, I was completely shocked.

Maybe I am...

"I honestly don't know." I mumbled. I looked at their faces and I felt like I was about to cry.

"Court, we know that you have just broken up with your ex and it hasn't been that long ago. Maybe you just miss the feeling of being in a relationship." Olivia said. I looked at Mari and she was nodding her head.

"Maybe you could try going on dates again and see if you can forget about Shayne. Just a suggestion." Mari suggested.

"You girls might right..." I replied.

I groaned out of frustration.

"I am a mess!" I yelled, making them gigle.

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