22. The Scavenger Surprise Part 1

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Noah's POV

One month later (September):

"Hey bro! How does it feel like turning 26?" I was curious because I am the youngest one in the squad while Shayne is the oldest.

"Um... how should I say it? Nothing's different." he concluded.

"Well then... um... where's Courtboard?" I asked so casually, trying to keep myself together.

"I haven't seen her today. She told me that she is very busy and has to take care of things for her sister." he replied.

"Oh, okay!" I was relieved that he wasn't suspecting anything.

The plans is going smoothly.

Few days ago:

"Hey Noah!" Courtney greeted me.

"Hey Court! What's the emergency?" I came to the Smosh Games room as soon as I can. I was worried that someone is hurt or has a huge problem to deal with.

"Oh nothings wrong! I just needed all of you to be here." I was relieved at the moment but then became confused.

"So as you all know, Shayne's birthday is in a few days... and I was kinda hoping that you would all help me plan a scavenger hunt leading to his party." she said like a child, asking for a candy.

"Yes, sure!" Sohinki said and we all agreed and cheered.

"Awesome! But you guys need to promise that you won't tell him about this, okay? Or else..." she warned us, which was kinda scary. I never liked it when she does that.

"Don't worry Court! We won't mention a thing." Anthony patting her shoulder, reassuring her that we will not mess up the plan.

"Let's go back to work!" Keith said. We were quiet for a moment and then bursted out of laughter.

"Good one Keith!" I applauded him.

"Hey Noah. Anthony and I need you!" Ian called for me. He saw me and gave me a signal to leave the first clue for Shayne.

"See you later Shayne! By the way, could you maybe read the draft of the script for a potential video when you're done?" I put my laptop on his desk.

"Sure." he responded.

"Thanks, really appreciate it!" I waved goodbye and left the office. I walked to Ian and Anthony's office.

"Did you put the note on his desk?" Anthony anxiously asked.

"Yup! I put the note on my laptop and told him to read a fake script after he is done writing so he doesn't suspect a thing." I explained to them.

"Great! This is going to be exciting!" Ian cheered. I got my phone and texted Courtney.

N: Hey Court! I gave Shayne his first clue!

C: Great! Thanks for letting me know. I'm with the girls, Wes and Flitz, setting up the other clues. We're nearly done here and then we'll go his place and decorate it.

N: Alright! Good Luck!

"Courtney and the others are nearly finish with the clues and then they'll decorate Shayne's place." I reported.

"Hope he likes this!" Anthony stated.

Shayne's POV:

It seems like no one is here, which was fine with me. I could have some alone time and not get annoyed by people asking me how's being 27 like.

After I finished writing a new skit, I started reading Noah's draft. I noticed that there was a baby blue paper with a note on it that is directed to me.

'Dear Shayne, today is something that you've been waiting for as well as dreading of.' I laughed as I read the message.

'Solve this puzzle to find you next clue.' There was an envelope containing small pieces of pictures together.

"Awesome! Scavenger hunt for my birthday!" I was really excited. This is a cool idea.

I started to put the pieces together and realized that the picture is a room of the Smosh Games. I rushed to the Smosh Games and so that Joven was there.

"Hey Joven!" I greeted him.

"Hey Shayne! Happy Birthday! What brings you here?"

"I... um... there's...."

"Oh right! The clue!" he interrupted me. He went to Mari's desk and came back with an envelop and a wrapped present.

"Thanks! For the gift!" I thanked him.

"Oh no! That's not from me." he said and left, leaving me on a blank.

"Could it be Courtney?" I asked myself. I got my phone out and called her.

"Hey Babe! Where are you right now?"

"I'm here at my sister's place. We're still unpacking her stuff."

"Oh, just wanted to hear your voice. I miss you right now."

"Aww, I miss you too. I'll see you tonight! Bye baby!"


"Well, that can't be her." I concluded. I heard some boxes and plastic wraps in the background while I was calling her. She must be very busy.

I opened the next clue and read it out loud.

"Good job on solving the first clue. Now here comes the second one. It's a cozy yet crowded place. It's where we would all go, where you describe as 'a very basic bitch place'. Your present will lead you to it."

I unwrapped the present and saw that it was a beanie with the Starbucks logo on it. I quickly ran to the office to get my things and ran to my car.

"This is going to be a long day." I acknowledged as I was driving to our regular Starbucks shop.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Just a quick shoutout to Smosh_Mendes_1D and LBFT2017 for being really cool and also for writing other Shourtney stories that I love!

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