33. The New Start

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Flitz's POV

Seven months later (April):

"I'm coming!" Wes called while running down the hallway. We're about to drive to Courtney's new apartment to check on everything before picking her and Lucas from the airport.

Courtney is returning after her teaching in film school. She was raising her child while going to work at the same time! That's unheard off! It makes me proud and amazed that she managed to do most of the work, with some help from Kari. I can't wait to meet Lucas!

Wes and I went to the car and started driving to the new apartment, which is a couple of blokes away from from the office.

"I'm so excited that she is back! And there is a new addition to the Smosh family!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah I know! Now there another kid in the office, other than me!" Wes said, making me chuckle.

For these past months, it is obvious that there are new things, which occured. We have Damien in the Smosh Games and Anthony left Smosh. He would still visit us and spends most of his time with us. Damien is Shayne's best friend and he is so much like Shayne, hysterical. Speaking of Shayne, we gave up trying to tell him about his son. We were so tired and exhausted, trying to tell him, but he wouldn't budged. Even Damien knew it before him and he tried to help us. They all failed. I am just wondering how he would handle the situation when he finds out.

We checked the apartment one last time, making sure that everything is working properly, and the furnitures are secured and baby proofed. We got to my car and drove to LAX, while jamming to some songs.

Everyone is excited for Courtney's return for two reasons. One, we all missed her and two, we want to meet Lucas! Shayne is in the another spectrum. He is conflicted with being excited and being dreadful and guilty of seeing her.

Once we reached the airport, we went to where people arrive and we made it at the right moment. I saw Courtney, pushing a luggage cart with a small kid, sitting on the baby sit.

"Wes! Flitz!" she shouted and we both ran towards her and giving her embraces.

"Guys, meet Lucas!" she gestured to the small blond kid, basically stuffing his mouth with a toy. The baby stopped and looked at both Wes and me. He giggled at seeing us, making us smile.

"Hi Lucas! I'm Uncle Wes and this is Uncle Flitz!" Wes said and Lucas cooed as a response. Courtney smiled at the sight of her child.

"Alright let's go! He needs a nap!" she announced and we helped her with her luggage.

"How are you feeling Court?" I asked as we were driving to her apartment.

She sighed and said "Well, I am tired. I'm excited to be back, but right now, my focus is on trying to get use to how things work around and make Lucas feel at home!"

"We're also happy you're back!"

Shayne's POV

She's back! She's back here!

It's been a while since I saw her and the last time I did, we left it off in a bad term. I am someone thrilled that she is back but also nervous and wishing that she would forgive me.

But who am I kidding? She will never forgive me...

"Shayne?" I heard a strangely familiar voice, calling my name. I looked up and saw the two people who I forgot for these past two years.

"Can we join you?" she asked and I slightly nodded.

This is somehow an awkward situation, sitting in Starbucks and meeting my ex-girlfriend, Dee, and Courtney's ex, Wahlid.

"How have you been?" Wahlid asked as he handed Dee her coffee.

"Same old I guess..." I try not to be a drag and get emotional and angry. People have been asking me that question and it is hard to lie all the time, telling people that i'm fine but inside, I am dying out of guilt.

Wahlid nodded his head and the uncomfortable silence filled the atmosphere.

"Um... Shayne... I just wanted to say that I am sorry that I cheated on you... I just... want to make sure that I totally regret cheating on you and started hooking up with someone else. But I guess letting you go was for the best. I have someone else aka this man right here and you had Courtney."

"It's okay... I mean... I kinda did the same thing to Courtney... so I am basically a hypocrite." I said to them. There eyes widened, shocked to what I said. Wahlid cleared his throat to clear the tension around us.

"Well, aren't we a group of back stabbers..." he commented. We all laughed.

"Unfortunately... But Shayne I think... no... I know that she still cares for you." Dee reassured me.

"Yeah. The way you guys look at each, people can tell you both love each one so much. Even when you two were still in your own individual relationships." Wahlid continued.

"When you two see each other again, I'm sure she'll forgive you!"

It was nice that they are positive that everything can turn back into the way they were. I am a bit skeptical, but I will keep that in mind.

"Oh have you actually seen her? I heard she is back?" Dee asked.

"No. not yet." I replied.

"I saw her a couple of days ago. She was walking around along the beach, with... that guy with orange hair..." Wahlid said.

"You mean Lasercorn?"

"Yes! Him! And she is carrying a baby with her. A blond one to be exact."

"Oh yeah. I also saw her at the grocery store with a small child as well, but could it be her sibling's kid?" Dee commented.

A kid? Courtney? I don't believe that. Maybe she is just babysitting one of her niece or nephew. Or maybe it is hers?

Author's Note

Hey guys! My apologies for not updating this story. I am just taking a break for writing and reading other books as well. I was also in kind of author's block, trying to figure the sequence of events that will be happening in the next chapters. Same thing goes with my other Smosh fanfic.

On the other side of the story, I want to thank you all for the 8K reads and counting!!!! This is so awesome!!! 😁😄😁😄. Thank you guys for loving the story and hopefully you all enjoy the upcoming chapter! The book is ending quite soon...

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