37. Celebration Part 1

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Shayne and Noah were driving to Anthony's engagement party.

"I always knew that Anthony and Miel are gonna get married." Noah stated. Shayne couldn't agree more. He knew that it was coming.

"They would be a great married couple!" Shayne continued and Noah nodded his head.

Noah turned on the radio and both men started singing her hearts out. The last car ride that they both had was when Shayne was jealous of Courtney, dating someone. Noah gave him a pet talk and things didn't really went as plan. He had the fight with Courtney, but yet again. The fight led to the dating rule to be demolished and they dated.

Noah was always there for him, whenever he needed help. He couldn't help but be grateful.

"Where are we actually going?" Shayne asked Noah.

"I am not sure"


"Hey Shayne, saw that you finally made it!" Anthony was standing at the entrance. Noah already went inside the house to join his other friends, while Shayne stayed behind to apologize to Anthony.

"Yeah, hey Anthony! Sorry for how I acted last time."

"No problem! So how do you feel now that you know?"

Shayne sighed and sat on the bench, in the front porch.

"Honestly, I am feeling so bad, guilty that I wasn't there for them. She did it all by herself. And yes. I still love her, but I don't know how to fix things from here."

"Shayne, if you want to fix things, start with getting to know your son. Be there for them. Show that you actually care about Lucas. Courtney's priorities right now is your son. If she sees that you accept Lucas, maybe you two could start again."

"Thanks Anthony and congratulations!"

"Thanks Shayne!"


Shayne entered the living room. He came in anxious, but the sudden warmth of the room calmed his nerves. It was simple yet filled with colors and a numerous amount of pictures either hanging on the wall or standing on the surface of the tables or counters. Pictures of Courtney with her family, friends and Lucas. 

This must be Courtney's house, he thought to himself as he continued to examine the photo memorabilia. 

"Hey Shanye!" Keith approached Shayne, giving him a hug.

"Thought you wouldn't come..."

"Well neither did I" he muttered with a chuckle to follow it.

His friend just smiled and both men made their way outside to the backyard, where the actual celebration was located.

He hadn't been the usual Shayne that everyone knows about him. He became quiet and a man who would always stay on the sideline and refuse any interaction with the people around him. All except when filming or fan meet-ups, when his humorous alter ego shows up, as he didn't want his fans to hate him. 

All of the Smosh Crew showed up for the engagement party. The new permanent members of the Smosh Games, Boze and Damien, to even the former members of the squad family, Lasercorn and Sohinki. They were also accompanied by their other families such as Brina, Tyler, James, Peter, Pam, Heather and the kids and so on. It was nice to see them all together.

Shayne's attention shifted to the bride-to-be, Miel, who was carrying a blond child. Lucas, his son, his child with Courtney. He watched Miel cooing on Lucas as he was sitting on a chair with a beer on his hand. He observed how Lucas squirming left and right when he giggles.

"Topp..." Damien said as his best friend sat down next to him.

"Haas..." he replied.

It was silent for a moment before they both bursted out of laughter.

"Ah, we're so dumb!" Shayne stated after they stabilized themselves.

Soon after, the others joined them around the table, exchanging jokes and insults like old times.


From inside the house, Courtney leaned against the door framed, with a great view of her friends, gathered and enjoying each others company. That was one of the things that she missed when she was living in Toronto. Seeing what was in front of her made her smile that nearly reached her ears.

She left her own world when she heard Olivia approaching her with Lucas in her arms.

"HOW... DO YOU.... MANAGE... TO TAKE CARE... OF HIM?!" Olivia handed Lucas to her who was giggling at his godmother. Olivia was trying to catch her breathe after trying to keep Lucas from moving and crawling so quickly. Courtney laughed at her friend.

"Well I have to. He's my kid." she replied, wiping the sweat away from her baby's forehead.

"Let's go join the others..." Olivia half-suggest, half-commanded. Courtney agreed and they walked to the table. She took her place between Noah and the man who she loved and still loves. Lucas was given to Noah to play around with. She turned to her left and faced him.

"Hey Shayne!"

"Hi Court-...Courtney!"


Author's Note

THANK YOU! THANK YOU FOR THE 14K READERS!!!! I am so happy, i can't contain myself from squealing in my room...😄😄😄

So what do you think will happen in part 2?😏

The book is nearly ending... I still haven't decided on how many chapters left but it is now gonna go over 50 chapters. Including an epilogue of the story.

After this I will be writing another Shourtney story but I need some ideas. Please let me know in the comments what other things I can write about Shayne and Courtney 😄❤

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