35. First Encounter

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A few days later:

Shayne has been thinking long and hard about what Wahlid and Dee told him. Maybe they are right, maybe not. Either way, he doesn't want to get his hopes up. Courtney still hasn't forgiven him.

But at the moment, what he needed is not to think about his ex and an advice that his ex and her ex's ex told him, but what he would be eating for the night and the rest of the week. He was currently at the grocery shop.

Trying to at least distract himself has been difficult for him. He tried everything in his will. There were even some time when he would bring somehow home and regret his actions, just like the first time he did it. Eventually, he came to a conclusion that the only way for him to move on is to properly apologize to Courtney and start from scratch, back to acquaintances and co-workers. But that itself is already a challenge.

He picked up a gallon of water at place it inside the shopping cart. Just as he was about to push the cart to go to the frozen aisle, he stopped. In front of him was a blond kid, crawling towards him. Well, he was the only one in that section.

He looked around for someone before kneeling down on his knees and carefully studying the baby.

He felt so calm with him next to him. As if his problems had gone away. But he felt suspicious. The baby looks exactly like him when he was a baby. They both have exact blue eyes, same facial structure except for their hair color. He was born with darkish hair, while the kid in front of him had golden blond hair. It reminded him of Courtney.

"What would our kid look like?" he asked himself. The baby crawled towards him and Shayne positioned himself to catch the kid. When he caught him, the baby giggled, making Shayne laughed. That was the first time he laughed, without faking it.

All a sudden, he heard a stampede behind him. A very familiar voice calling a name.

"Lucas! Oh Thank Goodness!" the woman said once she reached Shayne and her baby.

"Thank you so much sir for-" the woman stopped talking once she had a glance of who the gentleman was. She froze at the moment.

Shayne turned around and was completely shocked, clutching the baby to hopefully not drop him. The golden hair, the evergreen eyes, her plump lips. It was her, Courtney standing in front of him.

After a long time of not seeing each other, they come face to face, with Lucas in Shayne's arms.

Courtney snapped back to her conscience and thanked the person she has been longing for. Shayne was reluctant to give kid to her, but he eventually did.

"Thanks. See you at work! It's good to see you again!" she said before taking off, giving her attention to her baby.

Shayne stood there, watching the interaction between Courtney and the kid. She kept talking to him in a baby voice. He heard her say 'My Lucas' to him.


"I saw her a couple of days ago. She was walking around along the beach, with... that guy with orange hair..." Wahlid said.

"You mean Lasercorn?"

"Yes! Him! And she is carrying a baby with her. A blond one to be exact."

"Oh yeah. I also saw her at the grocery store with a small child as well, but could it be her sibling's kid?" Dee commented.

The conversation kept playing in his head like a broken cassette tape. The way he felt when the kid was with him was just like how he felt when he was with Courtney. He felt like himself and he didn't have to be someone else. He is free to laugh when he enjoy something and not fake anything.

"Could it be? No, of course not! Why would she not tell me if she was? And for the others to know instead of me..." he complained as he was waiting for the elevator to stop but he drifted off. His hands started to shake and his heart started raising.

"Dude, we have to tell you something about Courtney." Keith started. Noah was patting my back and Olivia was giving me tissue paper.

"Courtney is-" I quickly stood up and looked at them.

The elevator door opened and in no time, he stomped to the office.

"- you're all invited-" Anthony said but was quickly interrupted with the slamming of the door.

"Hey-" Noah started.

"Is there anything you all want to tell me?" Shayne calmly asked his coworkers, his friends. Everyone looked at each other, not getting a clue of what he asked.

"Dude, what are you talking about?"

Shayne's face was red. His hands were tightening and adrenaline was taking control of his body. He was fighting the urge into being aggressive and breathed in slowly before replying to Noah's question.

"I- I saw Courtney. With a small kid and he looks kinda like me and I feel like you are all keeping something from me!" he started really calm but he said the last bit with aggression. He glared at every single person in the room and it was dead silence.

"Just leave! All of you! I will tell him!" Anthony commanded all of them and footsteps filled the room. In a single minute, the last person left and shut the door behind him.

Shayne knew it was something big. He took his place and sat in front of Anthony, who was fidgeting. He was playing with his thumbs as he looks at Shayne.

"So, tell me!"


Author's Note

Finally!! He is about to find out!!! I would like to thank my friend in actual real life k_donut for the idea. Well I did made a change but this was her actual idea!

Another note, what do you think of the format? Tell me in the comments because I need to know if you like it or should I go back into writing in individual perspectives. I just find it easier to write it without having to switch point of views all the time, as I write the chapters like this way with my Dramione story 'My Fake Beau'. However, if you don't like it, I would change it back... 😄😄

See you all next time and hope you enjoy the upcoming ones... The story is three quarters done.😉

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