27. Breaking The Promise

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Shayne's POV

After my argument with Courtney, I immediately went to Ian and Anthony's office, telling them that Courtney needs to tell them something and asking them for permission to leave early. They reluctantly agreed and I took off.

I am so angry, frustrated and upset that Courtney might be leaving. I love her too much to let her go. I'm so mad that she's even thinking of accepting the job offer.

I went to my house and spent the next six hours just crying and breaking things in my home, trying to get my anger out. My home was a wrecked and I decided to go out and drink.

I went to a bar and ordered some drinks. I needed to clear my head.

Shayne, stop doing this to yourself and talk to her!

My hands formed into a fist and I feel blood, rushing to my face.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I see a woman approaching me. A brunette hair with green eyes and a black dress that shows her curves.

What am I doing?

"Hi! My name is Emily. Do you come here often?" she asked me, with her hand forward in front of me.

"Hi, I'm Shayne! And no. I just discovered this bar just now." I shook her hand and gestured her to sit next to me.

The whole time, we were just talking about random things and laughing.

"I like you Shayne!" she said, putting her hand on top of mine. I looked at her and I felt an urge to grab her and kiss her.

"No... I can't! I have a girlfriend and I love her..." she stopped me by grabbing my face and smacked her lips against mine. I don't know why, but I started kissing her back.

"No... one... has... to... know..." she said in between our kisses. I nodded and continued making out with her.

I don't know what I'm doing, but it is definitely not right.

Courtney's POV

The next day:

"Thanks Liv! For letting me stay over!... I really needed that.." I hugged Olivia, saying goodbye to her.

I spent the night at her place. It was really fun to just spend time with my best friend. The whole night, we were just talking and binge watching Game of Thrones. I really enjoyed it.

"No problem! If you need help or someone to talk to, call me and I will come." she reminded me after pulling away.

"Of course! Anyway, see you on Monday!" I waved to her and started heading to my car. I saw her shut her door and I was about to open the door of my car when I saw a person who looks really familiar.

That person was with a woman and I watched how the woman pulled him into a kiss.

His dirty blond hair, his arms, his actions seems familiar. Before I get in my car, I saw the man's face.

I covered my mouth from screaming and shouting out of anger and frustration. It seemed that my vision was getting blurry.

"I can't believe it! No! This is not true! He won't do that!" I said to myself. I quickly got in my car and drove back home.

The way he was holding her... how their lips touch... her arms around him...

"No! He promise... he promise me...." I was trying to get it out of my head. I wanted it to be not true.

Tears were running down my face, my hands were shaking and I kept fidgeting the whole way home.

Once I got home, I was in a hustle trying to unlock the door. I got inside and slammed the door behind me. I fell down on the floor and curled into a ball, crying my eyes out.

"He loves me... he wouldn't do that... he loves me... he promise..." I told myself over and over again.

What did I do? Why did he cheat on me?

I snatched my phone out of my bag and dialed the one person who could help me.

"Hey Court! What's up?" I heard her voice.

"Hey Oli-...." I started to break down again.

"Courtney! Hello? What's wrong?" she sounded really worried.

"... just please come!" it was all I could say.

Before she could answer back, I hung up and cried even more.

After an hour or two, I heard someone opening the door. I stood up and quickly, but gently wiped the tears off my face.

"Courtney!" Olivia entered and quickly approached me. I noticed that Wes was behind her.

"What's wrong?" she grabbed my hands to stop myself from shaking.

"um... I saw... him with another woman..."

It was really hard for me to speak because my lips were trembling.

She let my hands go and hugged me. I rested my head on her shoulder, looking at Wes. He was also upset and seemed really tense.

"It's okay... I'm sure he didn't mean-"

"He promised me that... that... he wouldn't go behind my back! He promised!" I pulled away and shouted at them.

Wes came to me and tried to hug me, but I started punching him. I finally gave up and sobbed. They led me to the couch and Olivia had her arms around my shoulders and Wes was rubbing my arms.

I love him, but how could he do that?

Author's Note
That was a rough chapter for me to write. Not an easy one because I can never see Shayne doing something like that in real life...
Anyway, I have a new story called All For One and One For All!! It is a Smosh high school story. Don't worry, Shourtney is still there.. 😄

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