41. The Rush to Her

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Courtney drove from away as possible from the beach. She was trying to fight the tears forming in her eyes. She stopped directly at a park and let her feeling out.

Courtney received a text. From Shayne.

S: Hey Courtney, I am sorry about what happened just then at the beach. I was caught in the moment and I just needed to say those things. I understand if you're not ready. I will always be there for you and Lucas. I promise that.

She didn't know what to do. That wasn't supposed to happen.

She spent a long time, crying her eyes out until deciding to clean her face and pick up her son.

All of my focus is on Lucas. Nothing else.

On the way home, she couldn't stopped thinking about the message.

I understand if you're not ready.

The words kept repeating inside her head.

I will always be there for you and Lucas.

She couldn't concentrate properly while driving.

I promise that.


"Hey man, look we're sorry for setting you two up. We just wanted for you guys to be together again." Noah apologize. Keith and Olivia just nodded their head.

Shayne sighed. He knew that their intentions were right even though he didn't like what happened.

"It's alright." was all he said.

They were all sitting on the sand. Looking at the ocean.

"Hey Shayne. Don't give up on Courtney. She still loves you, but she is just not ready." Olivia said.

"I know..."

They spent quite some time just looking at the water before someone's phone was ringing immensely.

"Oh sorry." Shayne took his phone and looked at an unknown number.

"Guys, just let me answer this call." He pressed the call button and heard someone frantic voice.


"Shayne? Oh thank goodness you answered!! It's Kari"

"Kari? Why did you call?" The other three looked at Shayne when they heard him say Courtney's sister's name.

"Courtney... hospital... accident..." Shayne heard her sobbing.

"We'll come there now!" and he ended the call to stand a run towards his car.

"Shayne! What happened?" Keith asked, trying to catch up with him, along with Olivia and Noah.

"We need to go to the hospital! Now!"

In a blink of an eye, they were driving towards the nearest hospital. Shayne was shaking his legs and muttering something.

"Calm down man!" Keith told Shayne.

"How could I calm down?! Courtney is hospital and I have no fucking idea of what's wrong." he shouted.

"Shayne, freaking out is not a solution." Noah calmed him down.


Anthony and Ian were spending time together, drinking coffee in Starbucks. Ever since Anthony left Smosh, him and Ian haven't bonded together for some time.

They made jokes about Anthony's coming up wedding, Ian's love life and so on.

All a sudden, both men got a phone call and with no time to lose, they went to the hospital, only to find Courtney's family, the Smosh crew in the waiting area. Shayne was sitting at the closest sit to Courtney's room. His head was down with eyes red from crying. Both Anthony and Ian sat next to him respectively, waiting for the doctor to come.

Few hours later:

No one still had any clue of what happened to Courtney. No doctor has told them of her condition nor when to visit her. Everyone was really worried, especially Shayne.

"Are you all friends and family of the patient?" they all heard, alerting them. As a reply, they mumbled 'Yes' to the doctor.

"How is she?" Shayne asked.

"She is coma right now. She broke her left arm due to the impact of the crash. The incident was not because of a bad driving from her side, but rather on the truck driver. Apparently the driver was half conscious." the doctor explained.

"When will she wake up?"

"We don't know. Aside from the broken arm, she also hit her head and gave her concussion. She might wake up in a few days, months or years."

Shayne heard Olivia's whimper from the back.

"Thank you doc" Shayne shook the doctor's hand before the doctor departed.

And all that they could all do is hope that Courtney wakes up.

If you didn't admit your feelings, she wouldn't be in this position! You are so stupid Shayne!

Shayne felt guilty for what happened. He was already upset from what happened at the beach, but now, he might lose Courtney forever.

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