42. Happily Ever After?

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Everyday, for the past two months, Shayne had been visiting unconscious Courtney. Giving her flowers and telling her about his and Lucas's day. 

"Hey Court! I have a good- no actually great news for you! Lucas is now starting to walk! Of course, he wouldn't be able to if I didn't have a cookie in my hand for him to get... He is growing up so fast..."

He, like the rest of the crew and her family and were waiting to see any improvement. So far none. The doctor still had no clue when she might wake up. 

"There is no way to know when she will wake up. But I believe that she is a fighter and she has her own reasons to fight for..."

The words were engraved in Shanye's brain. He knew that she is a fighter and she would do anything for anyone, especially the ones she love.

Shayne stared at the sleeping beauty in front of him. He reached out for her cold left hand, holding it tightly. 

I was at the beach in my tuxedo, waiting for someone to arrive. It was my wedding day, everyone who I love were their and I have Noah standing beside me because he is my best man.

"You ready?" Noah asked.

"Ready than I'll ever be!"

Then my future wife started walking down the aisle and she was just breathtaking. I took her hands and we stood facing one another. We said our vows to each other, exchange rings and the priest

"... You may kiss the bride!"

I was lifting her veil and started leaning in... 

Courtney's blond hair was tied back in a bun, with a few strands on her face. I take a strand and put it behind her ear.

"You look stunning. I love you Mrs. Topp."

"I love you too my husband." Courtney replied, beaming in joy.

"Hey Court! The doctor said that you can still hear even though you are sleeping..." he took a deep breathe to control his tears from falling. 

"I had this dream of being in the beach... Now this was before we even started dating. Noah was my best man. I never knew what that dream meant... until I realised that I wanted to be with you..."

Still no sign from Courtney

"Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. I know I messed up and if I could go back to fix my mistakes then, I would. But I know one thing that will never change. I love you and Lucas. You two are my reasons to live... Please come back. I need you back..."

Shayne's felt his face wet from the streaming tears. But it didn't matter. What mattered was for Courtney to hear his apology.

The beeping of the monitor, along with Shayne's silent sob were the only sound in the room. Shayne rested his head on the bed, continued crying for the love of his life to wake up.

He felt someone touch his head and played with his hair. He lifted his head to see the blond Sleeping Beauty looking at him with her glassy green eyes.


"Hey..." she replied softly.

A sudden urge took over Shayne and gave her what both had been longing for. With eyes both closed, he placed his lips against hers. Both couples mumbling "I love you" to each others between the kisses.

Courtney was the first one to break the kiss, gasping for air. She gave him a smile, while he chuckled at her action. He rested his forehand against her, both cherishing their moment together.

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