26. Take It Or Leave It

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Courtney's POV

I felt like I'm about to cry. What am I going to do?

"Courtney! Is everything alright?" Olivia was standing beside me. I looked at her and the ground, giving no answer. Suddenly, she grabbed my arms and dragged my to the meeting room.

"What's going to?" I heard Noah asked.

"It's emergency!" Olivia replied while we're still heading to the room.

Once we got there, I sat on the couch and she locked the door. I kept fidgeting and I couldn't focus. She sat next to me and grabbed my hands.

"What's wrong?... Tell me please!... I won't tell anyone..." she begged. I took a deep breathe and faced her.

"um... I got an email... saying that..." I stopped talking. I didn't know how to say it.

"Saying what... Courtney!"

"... I got a job offer from the Toronto Film School!" I felt tears coming down my face.

"Courtney! That's amazing! That's always want you wanted to do! I'm so happy for you!" she hugged me but I pulled away after a second.

"But, I love working here. With you guys! And I don't want to leave Shayne..." I heard someone shouted out of shock and confusion.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

I turned and saw Shayne, standing in front of the door. I see that his face is red and his hand formed into a fist.

"Shayne, calm down! You two need to talk about this..." Olivia started getting up and headed towards the exit. She patted Shayne's shoulder.

"Listen to her!" I heard her say to Shayne. He sighed and sat next to me. For the next minute, we haven't said anything to each other.

Deciding to leave or stay is already hard, but this uncomfortable silence is making more nervous and scared than I already am.

"So... have you made a decision yet?" he finally said something to me.

"No. not yet... but I need to make the decision as soon as possible." I replied, trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"Courtney... please don't go. Don't accept the offer and stay here."


"Are you really considering leaving Smosh and going to Canada?" he sounded really mad, rather than happy for me.

"This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! I can't just turn it down!"

"Courtney! I nearly lost you once and I don't that to happen again!" he stood up trying not to cry.

"Shayne, you know how much I have been wanting this! This is what I've always dreamed about."

He knelt down in front of me grabbing my hands, with tears running down his face.

"Courtney! Please don't go... please!" his pleading made me cry. I don't want lose him as well, but this is an opportunity and it given to me.

"Shayne..." he looked at directly into my eyes and released my hands from his grip. He stood up and wiped his face. He started turning away and walked towards the door. I was left alone.

I started crying even more. I felt like I already lost him.

What am I going to do?

I have been crying for about half an hour and I just noticed that Ian and Anthony are siting next to me.

"So... Shayne told us that you need to tell us something." Ian started, handing me a tissue box. I took it and started wiping the tears. I took a deep breathe and looked at both of them.

"Yea... I have been offered a job from the Toronto Film School for three semesters as a teacher in filming, editing and writing." I saw that they are smiling. I was glad to see them smile.

"We're happy for you Court! This is what you always wanted!" Anthony pulled me into a hug. Ian did the same thing.

"Are you gonna accept the offer?" Ian asked after he released from the hug.

"What about my job here? I also don't want to leave here." I started complaining.

"You're always welcome to come back here. Your place is secured. And besides, you said you're only working their for a year and a half right? That's not that long!" Ian stated. Once he mentioned how long I might be living in Canada, I started crying again.

"Shayne doesn't want me to leave... I told him that I might consider taking it, but I think he took it as a yes. I don't want to leave but this has been my dream before I started working here and this might be the only time that I get that chance..."

"I'm sure that he'll understand..." Anthony reassures me.

"Thanks guys!" I gave them a smile.

After my talk with Ian and Anthony, I went to the office and told the others. They seem to understand my situation, telling me that I should follow my dreams. The only person that doesn't agree is Shayne, who I was hoping to be more supportive and understanding. Guess I was wrong.

"Hey Liv, can I stay over at your place? I just really need someone to talk to get my mind off this whole thing."

"Of course! Good thing that James is out of town..." she hugged me.

"And don't worry about Shayne... he will come around..." she rubbed my arms, comforting me.

"I hope so."

Author's Note
I apologize if you guys thought if something else. But trust me, there's more to come.😁😁😁😁
I would like to thank you guys for reading this story. Really makes me happy! ❤
BTW, which couples do you guys ship other than Shayne and Courtney? Currently working on a new project.

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