3: Moving In

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"What?" Aphmau cries in confusion and excitement, while Aaron stares blankly at the Professor, his face heating up, he looks down at Aphmau, and she looks up at him, both having an understanding that something went wrong.

"Well, go to your room you two, we'll sort this out later." Professor Mellia barks, her lined face looking exceptionally fierce.

A prefect, Garroth, drags them from their seats and leads them through a winding stone staircase going upwards, Garroth has sandy hair that goes down to his shoulders and ice blue eyes, but unlike his younger brothers. He has a much sunnier disposition on life.

"Not sure what happened to you all." He smiles and his deep, European accent makes him a little difficult to understand. But not so much that it is a bother. "This hasn't happened in a long time, And since your stuff has already been moved up, you guys might be stuck like this for awhile." He adds, moving through a purple curtain that swoops out of sight when touched.

"Your room is on the last door on the right, expect a lecture and heavy monitoring." Garroth, in his flamboyant jacket and his golden prefect badge secured tightly on his chest, struts away, back into the mess hall.

"He hasn't changed much." Aaron chuckles aloud, trying to lighten the tense air that had settled around them.

"Did you expect him too?" Aphmau quips sarcastically, and Aaron ruffles her raven hair, chuckling.

"Garroth is Garroth, even if he can be a pompous prick sometimes." Aaron replies, his voice laced with fake bitterness.

They stroll through the hall and see that most everyone have already settled into their rooms, all having spotty purple doors with a golden room number nailed onto the front

Aphmau reaches the room first, and the golden numbers read 185, she grips the handle, but before she can react the door swings open and reveals the headmaster and Professer Mellia.

"Hello you two, well, sit down, sit down, we must get some business out of the way." He holds open the door for them and they step inside, Professor Mellia looked very fierce under the dim light.

"Headmaster Forestter, I don't see why we just don't expel them immediately, obviously, we have two troublemakers." Professor Mellia scoffs, her piercing, cold, brown eyes breaking Aphmau's soul.

"Mellia, do not scare them, I doubt they had anything to do with this. And without any evidence I will not hold them responsible." Headmaster Forestter looks over his spectacles, Aaron feels like his soul is being scanned at his gaze.

"Yes, You two may stay here together, I see no reason for you to be moved, though do expect regular check in's." Headmaster Forestter lazily waves his hand at the door, it swings open leaving Aaron and Aphmau very confused.

"Humph! I miss the days where I could discipline kids as I pleased." Professor Mellia scoffs under her breath as she marches out the doorway, the door closing tight behind her.

After a few seconds of silence, the pair finally have time to take a look at their room.

A large, squishy purple couch and two velvety red armchairs sit in front of a small, black television, there's a small kitchen with an electric stove and refrigerator, a dining area with a wooden table and decorative wooden chairs.

Upstairs is a single bedroom and bathroom, where there are two, four-poster beds, on opposite sides of the room, one purple and gold, one red and black.

It is late, and all the stuff they had packed will not be up to their room till morning, but some sleeping robes have been folded neatly on each bed, once again, color coded in the pairs favorite colors, both emblazoned with small golden letters spelling out PDU in loopy cursive.

"This robe is worth more than me." Aaron says as the material slides through his fingers, it's silk, and he'd never really had the money to buy luxuries like this.

"Well, enjoy it. I'm going to go take a shower." Aphmau replies, laying her magenta phone on her bed and stomping into the hall, leaving Aaron to his own thoughts.

He couldn't believe that the headmaster had let them stay together, he surely knew the risks of having two people of the opposite sex live together?

"Though." Aaron thinks to himself "I'm not complaining, at least it's someone I get along with."

But his thoughts are interrupted by loud, angry knocking at the door, he knows exactly who it is before he even goes downstairs.

He slowly and hesitantly opens the door, and a very upset looking Katelyn stands at the doorway, her fist up showing knuckles.

"Aaron." She says, business-like, and Aaron gulps, as he knows that he's going to get thrown into next month.

" Hey Katelyn!" He laughs nervously, "Aphmau's in the shower. And you probably don't want to speak to me, so if you could come back later-" He starts to shut the door, but Katelyn stops it with her foot, and steps completely into the room.

"You know why I'm here." She replies in the same business-like tone, and Aaron slouches, defeated.

"Be gentle....please." He pleads, and Katelyn smirks, before doubling over in laughter. Aaron is taken aback, but relieved at the same time.

"So, it's true, you guys are staying together?" She puts her knuckles away and leans against the wall, a teasing smirk on her face.

"Yes, though we did get a visit from the headmaster." Aaron replies, his hand rubbing the back of his head nervously.

"Headmaster Forestter? Yeah he's a little crazy, but a good judge of character." Katelyn chuckles to herself, and glances up the stairs, she smiles.

"Hey Aphmau."

Aaron looks up at the top of the stairs, and time seems to slow for him.

Her robe sticks to her figure tightly, showing of her curves, and it's so thin he can almost see through it, her wet, raven hair is tied behind her back, and her caramel brown eyes seems to melt his heart like chocolate.

"Wow" His thoughts wander. "She's beautiful."

He stands lovestruck, his face red and his mind moving a mile a minute, he fumbles with his words, and his mouth hangs open.

"Snap out of it lover boy." Katelyn whispers in his ear, and he shakes the feeling away, he couldn't feel that way about his best friend, he was just lost in the moment, that's all.

"You look g-great Aph." He stammers, looking away when she gets closer, gulping and blushing at where his mind is insisting on going.

"Thanks! Hey Katelyn, what are you doing here?" She turns her attention to Katelyn, and by the time she turns around to Aaron, he's already bolted up the stairs.

"Where did he go?" Aphmau asks, confused on why he would leave so quickly.

"Oh, he's around." Katelyn replies with a knowing look on her face, Aaron might not like to admit it, even to himself, but he likes Aphmau, and everyone knows except Aaron and Aphmau.

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