5: Trouble

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Now locked together in both shock and embarrassment, Aaron and Aphmau look at the professor that burst into their room uninvited.

Aaron tries to get off her, but in a panic he only succeeds to make the already fuming professor ready to erupt like a green volcano.

"WELL?!" The professor let's out an unholy screech at such a high decibel it makes Aaron wince.

"Professor, we were just goofing off, she tried to take my spot in the couch." Aphmau pokes her head from the couch and nods in agreement, her ribs still sore and throat raw from laughing.

"Is that so?! Well, how about I go look at the footage from the cameras, huh?!" The professors voice begs Aaron to argue, but he knows if he does, they'll definitely get in trouble.

But, at the moment, he is a little braver than usual, so he tries to make a remark, and seem respectful at the same time.

"Sure, go ahead. But there aren't any cameras in the room, and we haven't left." Aaron crosses his arms as his blood starts to boil, an old beast lifting it's head.

The professor starts to open his mouth, then suddenly growls in defeat, as Headmaster Forestter makes an announcement over the intercom:

Attention all students, your schedules are being brought up now, and Professor Green, stop harassing students and report to the front lobby.

Huffing and not hiding his displeasure, Professor Green gives them a stern lecture on personal space, and leaves, his coat whirling behind him and yellow goggles bouncing on his head.

"That was too close." Aaron sighs in relief as the door sways a little on it's hinges, knocked a little loose from Professer Green's entrance, it creaks in longing to be shut again, which Aaron quickly does.

"Yeah, That was.... Exciting." Aphmau chuckles breathlessly, enjoying her new spot on the couch, and closing her eyes for a brief moment.

"Scoot over, give me some room." Aphmau feels his presence near her head so she lifts it, letting him sit before gently putting her head back down on his lap.

"Comfy? You should be after you took my spot." He plays with her hair absentmindedly, more because it's there and less because he actually knows what he's doing.

"Mm-hmmm." She hums, watching a random add for allergy medicine zip across the television screen, and enjoying the feeling of Aaron there with her.

She will never admit it, but being with him makes her feel safe, he is well-built, and very strong, then again, his hands are definitely getting rougher from hard labor.

She grabs his hand, mulling over it's callused surface with her own, soft tiny ones, Aaron raises his brow curiously, lacing his fingers with her own.

"You having fun with my fingers?" He asks, chuckling lightly and trying to annoy her by crushing his palm against her fingers.

"You... Your hands. How do you get rough hands by being a night guard." Her face gets red as he plays with her fingers, and presses his palm into hers.

"I worked at the warehouse, lifting boxes and stuff, then worked on my uncles farm, that was fun." He stats listing the jobs he's held over three years, they are numerous, each one making Aphmau's face fall further into a frown.

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